War On Chronic Pain Patients (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Thanks to all you drug abusers there has been an ongoing war on us legit chronic pain patients. Thanks to all who abuse pills and alcohol, because of you they wage war on us. Street drugs are cheaper so why do you all have to mess with the pills and make life difficult for us chronic pain sufferers? Are you stupid or just self centered? Britain uses our military to protect Afghan poppy for people like you, so quit trying to cook up the pills. We legit chronic pain patients would really appreciate it, not that you care, but maybe when you stop acting so self centered, people will actually begin to care about you. You reap what you sow.

To stem cell labs worldwide: We need you to cure degenerative discs and herniations for those that want to be cured instead of on pain meds. Make yourselves known. We need options. We know you have the cure. We need the FDA to help make up for lost time.

118 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: madashell (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

I agree the woman taking Vicodin is responsible, not her doctor as long as he believed those pills were medically necessary. He should not be prosecuted for a patient’s actions.

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Re: James (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

WTF are you talking about? Obviously you don't have a clue what RSD is. Don't insult people if you don't know the suffering we are going through. Why do people feel they have to insult someone that they do not know the pain we have?

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Re: Luwhit (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I understand. I had quality of life until 8 months ago. I was placed on disability and found a wonderful doctor who gave me what I needed. I was able to go to work at an office job. I felt on top of the world. for a while. Then we lost our pain doctor now I am a pawn in a doctors game who cut my medication to a third he took away the medication that worked on break through pain. I am happy for you he runs insane hours. He claims he is so busy he can only see me on Saturday nights after 8 PM he runs Sunday hours as early as 5 AM he gets rich on Ov and copay charges we get shafted. I need some break but it only gives me a total of 5 hours partial relief. I am so desperate to find a good doctor. I am happy for you.

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Re: Kaydollasign (# 58) Expand Referenced Message

Wonderful post so sorry for your pain. This whole opiod crack down is BS. The deaths of people using heroin has sky rocketed since the new regulations. People suffering from pain are going to the streets to find relief for their pain. Things need to change so the people with chronic pain can live a somewhat normal life.Thank youfor setting the information straight on RSD I have it in my leg and it is horrible and the pain meds 5mg of norco 4 times a day just does not help .

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Re: Charlene (# 66) Expand Referenced Message

Can you recommend a good, safe, reputable company?

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Go to, 'Don't Punish Pain Rally' on facebook, join and read what all they are doing, it is amazing! We're having rallies in all the State Capitals, finally have our first commercial on Fox Business channel, you'll have to check your TV Guide to see what channel it is on and oh so much! Take care and good luck!

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Re: Addiction (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah if you stay this more street drugs then where are they because when my pain management dr. all come to an end where are they I don't know anybody that has any street drugs I'm sick of the problems that I have that's why my nickname is dead cuz I'm sick of it I'm sick of a man in the spine problems I can deal with the metal in my legs to metal I have and me all the metal osteoporosis broken KissxSis has somebody has to deal with what I I can't even go to a methadone maintenance program they will not accept me because I have pain so if worse comes to worst I wish I knew somebody that had Street Drugs That's My Last Resort before death

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Re: Casper (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

No what Trump really means is drugs are good for him but no good for you religion is good for you and no good for him money is good for him but no good for you think about it

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madashell (# 48) --

S*** yeah, definitely she is definitely responsible. I know a woman, the exact date that her doctor threw her out off the pain management, she went to another one. Did the same thing but the only thing difference is the Vicodin. She orders Fioricet, Fioricet, Fioricet, and more Fioricet by mail-order. She took the whole bottle and that messed her up big time. The only reason why she's not crashing her vehicle anymore is because the vehicle blew up on the motorway, so she asked me to drive her around. It's very annoying. Life is very annoying. That's why my nickname for this site is probably what I should be.

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Lori (# 40) --

Lori I don't think the attics are doing that I think it's no it's the government so as much as I don't like the addicts using opiate medication for people in pain like me or your husband I don't blame the attics for it I blame society the government the police think about it really think about it think before you say something I don't hear everywhere

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john (# 22) --

Yeah, when you find a solution tell me.

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Did you all read about the suit filed against Purdue the other week? There's another thread on this site about it.

Massachusetts Attorney General Targets Oxycontin Maker, Says They Engineered Opioid Crisis

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I'm a 42 year old male and I've been taking morphine sulfate for 6 years for osteoporosis and messed up spine broken vertebrae is cement and all kinds of other bone problems and they cut me down to a low dose but 30 mg 3 times a day I was originally on 200 mg a day and every year the doctor has to approve the medication so I can continue getting it there's nothing I can do anymore it's still no operation I can get the joke total joke so one day they went out approval to make what this place might go out of business I don't know and then I cannot find another pain management on Long Island or anywhere anywhere else actually I don't know what to do at that point

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Re: Sissy (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I to had the same thing happen back last August. I walk along with you in this painful journey. Seems no one cares. If we were rich or in high places we would have a Dr. it’s all in who you are and who you KNOW!!

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cancer and severe chronic pain need medication. however, everything comes with risks especially opiates. after a period of time the opiate rewires the brains reward system and you no longer have the God given natural feeling of wellness mentally, instead the drug will provide the feeling. UNTIL the drug stops working, and it will. I know and Drs know. that is when some move to street drugs and some like myself continue with the 10-325 purcucet and Xanax prn which for me is when I become so depressed I'm miserable. The low is lower than the high and what goes up must come down. Praying for solution.

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Re: Hop63 (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

First I pray you find solution to your problems. Insurance may pay for dual diagnosis for example chronic pain & addiction or depression. If so maybe you can have inpatient treatment in a better environment. I know that I wouldn't want to be locked in a facility were I felt uncomfortable.

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You said it all very well! Because I have trouble sleeping I have trouble getting insomnia medication occasionally.

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Re: BobH (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

I went around a few times with my previous doctor about taking addictive medications. He didn't want to prescribe pain meds and I was dying from sleep deprivation and had no quality of life. He finally relented because I told him at my age and being retired, being addicted was NOT a problem for me. I have such a high tolerance level to pain my wife doesn't like me working with tools of any kind since I have cut myself, didn't know it until I saw the blood. I don't feel that I am addicted since I have been on vicodin for a couple decades now and my 30 Rx lasts me past the 30 day limit. I personally know people that run out before the 30 days are up because they expect immediate relief for one thing so they pop pills until the pain goes away. I've never done that. But these people also have done other street drugs. They'll beg me for pills but I refuse. As far as doctors getting arrested, I live in Pennsylvania but my doctors are a short distance just in NY just across the border and so far NY doesn't have that problem. A local doctor here where I live was arrested and prosecuted by the state AG for treating patients for pain management and she didn't have the credentials according to the AG. Eventually she was exonerated but now in PA doctors are scared to prescribe an Rx for pain meds. That mean PA patients have to suffer because of people that self medicate and other problems created when people don't follow the Rx. As far as that teen that died, from the newspaper article he was in intense pain from his broken arm. I fully understand that since years ago my step-son had a stress fracture in his arm and even though he had a cast on and we had pain meds for him, the little guy just laid on his bed holding his arm and crying from the pain. We knew better than to double up his meds or deviate from the Rx. Apparently the teen that died here was having intense pain and his school buddy told him crushing the pills to powder was a quick way to kill the pain. Before that, he had never had exposure to drugs. His parents had gotten upset because he was having such incredible pain and they didn't want to deal with administering his pills so they gave him the bottle. Bottom line, self medicating and abuse of opioids has given some people opioids are the problem and its creating serious problems for thos of us that do not abuse our Rx's. And laws they intend to pass for this phony crisis will only make criminals of law-abiding people that are in anguish and being sleep deprived. I don't think that should be a function of government. YES, we do have a drug crisis in America, its been around for too many years, decades to count. Politicians calling this an opioid crisis gives them a reason d etre'. Gonna fix this really bad problem by writing laws to prosecute doctors trying to help people that don't abuse their Rx's and make criminals of people that function real well in pain management programs that include opioids. This article was in yesterday's newspaper. I was especially impressed by the last sentence.


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Re: WillChillRNMS (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

Total BS. You don't know the difference between drug abuse and a crisis. I have never abused my vicodin Rx in years of use and I know people like me that can say the same thing. I also know people that run out of their pills every month. They self medicate (abuse their Rx). Nobody, no doctor is forcing them to take extra pills or take pills more often than prescribed. All your rhetoric will not change those FACTS. Accusing doctors and health care people of intentionally addicting people is libelous and wrong on so many levels. You need to quit reading/listening to the political propaganda.

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I agree with u bout people abusing the meds, but to be honest if u really think about it, every pill or medication or surgery they come out with are all recalling and making us sicker and it's not helping us at all. All it's doing is prolonging our death with all dis meds, surgery whatever. It's all bout money these days. And no one is here for helping anyone at all these days. They don't even care bout themselves so y wud they care unless there is money involved. U cud get over it/pain without all dat. It's all in the mind. Be strong and think bout it.

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