Wanting To Quit Taking Contrave (Page 5)
UpdatedI need to know how to stop taking contrave. Can I just quit cold turkey or do I wean off? If I wean off how do I do it?
If you only lost a couple lbs you've really not been a good candidate for it. I don't love taking it but I lost 20 lbs. now I want to go off but I'm afraid to
I've been on it for over a year and have only lost 15 pounds out of a 75 needed weight loss. I'm wanting to stop the medication and seeking advise on how to do that.
Yes, fuzzy in my head that makes me feel like I'm crazy, along with other side effects you mentioned. I also have a scared feeling going on too that I do not want! Don't have an appetite but can't function like this. I wanted this to work!
Dear CDW....Since the company that produces it gives a maximum dosage at 4 per day I wouldn't increase it without first talking to your doctor. One of the drugs is an anti-depressant and the other is normally used to treat addictions to opioids and alcohol. Also, since the full 30 day dose is 120 pills, if your insurance is paying for it, you won't be able to get a full month if you are taking 6 per day. Please do talk to your doctor first!
I have been on Contrave for 2 months and 5 days. I have lost a total of 22 pounds, and am strongly considering stopping this medication. I feel jittery all the time and my hands contstantly shake. How do I stop this medication with out it causing problems for me? I have considered just taking the pills at 2 a day instead of the 4 that it says. Would this be a good idea? And then go down to just one and then none? I do not like the feeling of being nervous all the time and how I seem to get aggravated so much easier than normal.
I just started taking it a week & a half ago, was hoping for a boost in weight loss.. it's been awful!! My stomach is ALWAYS hurting, I would be hungry but unable to eat, and when I do eat most of it comes back up bc I'm so nauseous! I hate it :'( I took my last one yesterday, nothe taking anymore, still puking, still can't eat, wondering how long the effects will last?! I have been working out on top of taking it & well, not being able to eat now, just finished my workout 30 min ago & threw up allllllllll the water I drank & now my whole body is shaking... I do NOT recommend taking Contrave, I wouldnt wish this pain on my worst enemy!
I have been taking Contrave for 2 years and have lost 50 pounds. I've had some reactions but was under severe stress. Now I'm having difficulty eating large meals and need to really cut back. Ok well you will reach plateaus. First, have your doctor check your other meds, keep moving, try anything to reduce stress and don't focus on pounds, focus on clothing size and how you feel. Portion control is the most important.
Same - this medication is horrid - I am only on one pill and I can't do it - I'm miserable - this has to be the worst medication the FDA had approved for weight loss in a long time
I am 62 years old, and have been taking Contrave for 4 months. I have lost a total of 2 lbs. I am not rich enough for this "remedy." I have had no side effects, but can't afford something that may take two years.
I too have had a bad response to Contrave. I am currently trying to wean off and am experiencing terrible nausea. When I went to the dose of 2in the morning, I felt as if my jaw was clenching and I was totally unable to function. I had a hard time formulating my thoughts. I spent close to a hundred dollars on this medication to help with weight loss & have in fact gained a couple of pounds.Wish I had never heard of this drug.
What did you do? I want to go off it too the nausea and headaches are horrible and even thrown up a few times.
I am starting my second month. I still have hot flashes but that's ok. It's the fuzzy head feeling when I don't take the pills that makes me a little scared because when it comes time to stop I am I going to have a headache and feel bad like I do when I forget to take a dose. Though I have lost 10 lbs in 5 weeks.
I experienced the same, i lost a total of 37 pounds over 8 months, but i hit a plateau and haven't had any changes for over 6 months. I have weaned myself off (with doctor's ok to do so) and now am having trouble with jumpy legs/arms and terrible insomnia. Hope this gets better soon. Going without good sleep is terrible.
Yes I'm experiencing that also and I also developed horrible dry and burning mouth and a bad metallic taste!! I want to get off and was reading posts to try to figure out how - I had lost 25 pounds and have gained 12 back frustrating
Watch the movie " What the Health" for good information on nutrition. It changed my life. Weaning of contrave is best.
I'm on week 5 of Contrave today I had uncontrollable sweating episode. Stomach gas so severe I couldn't sleep. I had an panic disorder and had a panic attack this morning. Can you take Ativan if on contrave. I've decided to stop and wean myself off. Any suggestions?
I have lost 48 lbs in 8 mo on Contrave. I stayed on a pretty strict diet. Watched my calories, no sweet, fried, etc. The last 2 mo, nothing. Not even 1 lb. I'm still dieting pretty strictly. How can I break this plateau? Is there a jump star theory?
I've lost 48 lbs on Contrave. I am having inner arm reduction surgery soon. Surgeon says to stop taking 10 days prior. I understand Contrave will not interact well with pain meds. So I guess this is going to be a cold turkey situation. Keeping my fingers crossed that I will have no bad side effects & that pain meds will work ok.
Yes... I feel Contrave has just stopped working after 4 months of taking it. It's not cheap and insurance won't pick it up. Why keep buying it?
I have been taking Contrave for about 3 months now and need to wean off!
I've had horrible nausea, headaches, ringing ears, hot flashes & sleep disturbances, (waking early after having vivid dreams.) I did loose a few pounds, I believe it was because I was so nauseous and food didn't taste at all or didn't taste right.
My doctor told me to wean off just the opposite of how I started, one less a week.
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