Want To Know The Name Of Medicine Get My Periods Before Date
Updatedwant to know the name of medice to get periods befor my date as my marraige is on 16 an my date is also on 16 so i want to get it before my wedding ceremony
I want my period 10 days before , please suggest secure medicine ## actualy ganapati festival date is 9 & my period date is 8
My marriage is xactly d date of my period. So I want my period should b happnd 6-7 days earliar. Plz do help me
i want to get my periods 10 days earlier from the date, i am having my periods on my wedding date, can you please tell me some medication?
and do tell me about side effects
My marriage is xactly d date of my period. So I want my period
should b happnd 6-7 days earliar. Plz do help me . name a tablet plz
Please suggest me a medicine for getting my period before date and every month my period gets delay 1-2 days please suggest me it's very important for a religious reason
Pls give me the name of the tablet to get early period...as my period date is 8 and my merriage date 9 ...reply Asap
Plz tell me a tablet for occur my period with in one or two days bcz i go for a tour its urgent
My period date is 22april 2015 every time I have function at my home on 23 and 26. Every time I get my period before the 2 or 3 days before so till now I didn't take any medicine for that but till now I don't get my period... plzz suggest me sir what should I do?? should I take the medicine for delay the period??? Or get the medicine for the before period???
I want my period 2 days before , please suggest secure medicine ## actually i have function in house so date is 24 & my period date is 22
My periods date was on 21 but 6 days passes i d'not get periods till now which medicine i should take to get periods start
Name of the medicine to get the period???
want to know the name of medice to get periods befor my date as my marraige is on 16 an my date is also on 16 so i want to get it before my wedding ceremony so u tell doctor medicn nme my periods come before these days
I want my period before5days...plz help me ...
Marriage date clashes on same date of periods what pills should I used to come periods early 10days
I want my period 4 days before so suggest me secure medicine
Plz suggest me secure medicine which have no side effect my marriage date clashes on same date of period so i want my period before 7 days before plz suggest me any sucure tablet plzz
hai dear my marriage date is 24th nd my period is also 24thso plz name d tblt from whch i cn get 10days before my marriage plz plZ help me
Medicin name to get my periods earlier five days before my period date?
My marriage is xactly d date of my period. So I want my period
should b happnd 6-7 days earliar. Plz do help me . name a tablet plz
want to know the name of medice to get periods befor my date...
Most Recent Replies:
Hi dear I'm 30 years I have no child because of this irregular period s problem. Plz suggested me tablet for regularly period. There is a spot come after 2 and half month.
My period cycle is 13 of this month still I am not getting period in pregnancy test shows negative today morming .so please suggest me what can I do
I'm a 21yrs old girl,I had miss my period in the previous month and the next month I had sex with my husband is there any pil to get my period??
My marriage is on the 3 of October and I want my period to come before then please help me out I want my period dis week
Pl suggest me.mene out of station jana he mere periods 9th june ko aane he. Pl bataye ki before 10 days ke liye kaun c medicine use karni padegi mujhe. Jiska side effect na ho
I want to get my periods early. I need a medicine for that.
Hi, I had sex with full precaution but my periods are delayed for 10 days. It's usually delayed every month for 5 days. I was not well too this month due to low BP. Please advise, is there any chances to get pregnant. Also advise me medicine which I can take.
I want medicine name to get my periods early because my marriage date and period date are same
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