Wv Pharmacy That Fills A Pa Subutex Prescription
UpdatedI went to a doctor in PA that prescribed me subutex. I went to a few pharmacies in the area (Washington, Pa) but they only carried Suboxone. Does anyone know where I can get subutex filled in Washington, Pa or close to there? I live in Morgantown, Wv & would rather get them filled in this area if that's possible. I have a WV ID, but a PA. Subutex prescription.
I have the same problem! Script written in Washington, PA but I have a WV ID. I live in Mon county, WV so the closer the better! I drove over 2 hours south last month for my medicine.
Did you have any luck finding a pharmacy? I'm in the same situation, I live in WV and go to a pa Dr and I need a pharmacy asap! Please, any info would be greatly appreciated.
In need where was you went to 2hrs south if you can say or hint at I would soo appreciate it
Hello..I have taken suboxone for years..I am almost positive it's the same thing as suboxone. Ask the pharmacist about this
SANDY, If you've indeed been on suboxone for years you should know the following VITAL INFORMATION!!!
Suboxone CONTAINS NALOXONE (NARCAN) where as subutex is pure bupe. The reason some desire this substance is that it can be USED in a way NOT medically indicated. That said there are conditions and circumstances where subutex is medically indicated (i.e.; pregnancy and true allergic reaction to NALOXONE aka NARCAN that's present in suboxone). When folks post erroneous drug information or they THINK THEY KNOW enough to offer advice to others on potential life and death matters they truly can be sealing someone's fate.
It just troubles me because I often see the results of desperate people trying desperate things in order to escape the reality of their recovery. I've been there I know. Addiction is a disease and should be treated as such. It's THE MEDICAL PROFESSION AS SUCH THAT HAS FAILED US ALL. It's reprehensible that sick and suffering folks feel so disenfranchised that they're reduced to seeking answers anonymously on the internet. So for all posting information please ask yourself "Is that the same advice I'd offer my mother, son, daughter or any other cherished loved ones?".
P.S.: As to answer the topic inquiry. Unless you possess a valid in state verifiable source of identification they WILL NOT FILL YOUR RX FOR SUBUTEX. I HOPE THIS CLEARS UP ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT FILLING OUT OF STATE RX'S (with one exception that most pharmacists are not willing to override) for controlled dangerous substances as classified by the DEA.
If you've indeed been on suboxne for years you should know the following VITAL INFORMATION!!!
Suboxone CONTAINS NALAXONE (NARCAN) where as subutex is pure bupe. The reason some desire this substance is that it can be USED in a way NOT medically indicated.That said there are conditions and circumstances where subutex is medically indicated (i.e.; pregnancy and true allergic reaction to NALAXONE aka NARCAN present in suboxone).
When folks post erroneous drug information or they THINK THEY KNOW enough to offer advise to others on potential life and death matters they truly can be sealing someone's fate. It just troubles me because I often see the results of desperate people trying desperate things in order to escape the reality of recovery. I've been there I know. So for all posting information please ask yourself " Is that the same advice I'd offer my mother, Son, daughter or any other cherished loved ones.
PS; as to answer the topic inquiry. Unless you possess a valid in state verifiable source of identification they WILL NOT FILL YOUR RX FOR SUBUTEX I HOPE THIS CLEARS UP ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT FILLING OUT OF STATE RX'S for controlled dangerous substances as classified by the DEA.
Great answer! Good thing that you read these posts, you have so much knowledge
Oak Hill Hometown Pharmacy. Not real hard to get to with gps. I just stopped going cause I found a new place. They MIGHT have my spot still open, cant gurantee it though! Hope this helps!
I heard theres 2-3 pharmacies in PA taking WV patients with PA scripts. I dont know the names though. So, thats not much of a help. Sorry.
I had same prob. Wat i did is go on google and ask for pharm. In your area. But the pharm mite not want to give you that info. Cuz there affaird you want to rob them. But just explain and give them the drs name and d.e.a num.
If you have not yet been able to get your prescription filled or if anyone else is having a problem with this, I hope this helps. My niece had this exact same problem, we stopped at almost every pharmacy between Washington, PA and Kingwood, WV and each one had a different story to tell about why they could not fill the prescription. They simply don't want to fill it is the main problem, they want everyone to be treated in their home state but there's simply nothe enough treatment centers in WV, period and besides, lots of people have problems with Suboxone and the combo meds and that's all drs in WV prescribe unless you have questions documented life threatening allergy to it. I was able to locate a few pharmacies that have been known to fill PA scripts in WV for WV residents. Some of the pharmacies I've listed may not participate in it and may not tell you anything over the phone, tell you they don't carry the medication or simply refuse, so it is absolutely best to appear in person with the prescription and your valid ID to the pharmacy instead of calling. Just look them up on Google for directions. Sorry if any of these places stopped participating and you waste a trip to the pharmacy.
Preston Family Pharmacy - Kingwood, WV - Will fill ONLY for residents of Preston County with an address located in Preston County
Belldinas Pharmacy - Masontown, WV - Usually has a waiting list for the buprenorphine scripts but worth a try you may get lucky.
American Rx Pharmacy - Pierpont, WV Inside Shop N Save - I have friends that get out of state scripts here. Very expensive do pared to other pharmacy prices but will fill your script.
Those are 3 that I know of that may fill an out of state script for you. I have heard of a little mom n pop type pharmacy in McKeesport, PA and one in Buckhannon, WV that will also fill PA scripts for WV residents but unfortunately I've not ever heard the names of the pharmacies. Hope this helps guys, good luck!
The one in peirpont the American RX inside the shop N save will NOT fill out of state scripts...just tried that today & they would not do it!
I live in Bridgeport WV and I see a doctor in PA. WV pharmacies barely carry the subutex 8 mg tablets. If u do find one they arent taking new patients. Does anyone know of a pharmacy that's in PA or WV that will fill my prescription? Any info would be helpful!
I live in Bridgeport Ohio & I have a script from P.A. For subutex & im trying to find a pharmacy in my area or even in the Wheeling W.V. To fill them... Any & all information will help... I really appreciate it...
Re: Jaxon5mama (# 12)
By med express on national road they just changed the name to shop rx or something
Re: Addicthelpingaddict (# 5)
Who the f*** are you with your mightier than I attitude? There are some that will fill your scripts in pa with a wv address. I am doing it now and have been for over two years in Washington.
Re: Meagen (# 13)
Do you have an address for this place? They do fill PA Scripts for WV residents?
Re: Need help Pharmacy fast please thanks (# 2)
Citizen pharmacy in chester bout hour past Pittsburgh lot back road
Re: MMelissa (# 16)
Does the pharmacy you included the name of fill out of state scripts or for residents of other states?
Yes I have a suggestion or you, get your prescription filled where you get it written, or do they know you there? Here's another suggestion, stop getting multiple prescriptions in multiple jurisdictions and selling them. You've told me enough to get an indictment in MD, DC, WV, and probably MD. People like you have this terrific medicine always on the edge of being taken off the market. People like YOU make it damn near impossible for real human beings to get needed treatment for cancer level pain and people like YOU jam up clinics with your goat smelling story to overwhelm them week after week until the MDs can no longer get real patients, with real needs, with real insurance that pays real medical bills so they can stay open. Do you know how many MDs have closed in the state of MD and PA or to stop treating people with severe pain with Subutex because of YOU people?
Re: LowLifHuntr (# 18)
Who are you talking to? How does YOU getting Subutex for pain make you better than any other person that gets it? Watch yourself, you will more than likely become an addict yourself taking those narcotic pain killers!!! The toes you step on today may be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow so keep that in mind.
I have the names of some pharmacies that will fill scripts from PA for WV residents. I wrote the pharmacy names and locations down. I have to run out but when I get back I will share the information. I was also given a pamphlet by my Dr where you can get them mailed. The price was something like $270 for 60 8mg Subutex. I also know of another mail order pharmacy that accepts all types of insurance. Will provide that information all within thw next few hours for everyone.
Most Recent Replies:
Re: Helpalwaysisnthelp (# 4)
Yes they will fill subutex prescription with a out of state ID. I live in wv go to doctor in Pa and get my script filled in Pa. The problem is finding a pharmacy that will take new people
Re: MDresidentPAscript (# 46)
I need to know I pharmacy I go the 15th and can't find no where to fill my script for Subutex I go to A&R
We literally live 1-2 miles from WV line. Is there anyway we can get my husbands script filled by tomorrow? We have no insurance. Please get back to me an let me no. Ty
Re: Angela (# 56)
Do they take insurance?
Re: AmberWV304 (# 20)
Will u give me these names please
Re: Chaos54 (# 52)
Can I have my script sent electronically and not have problems filling them being as though this will be my first time using this pharmacy and do they take Insurance to fill them and first and foremost do they carry the 54-411 please let me know thanks appreciate it
Re: AmberWV304 (# 32)
Would you be able to tell me of some online pharmacies? I have the insurance you mentioned.
Re: Hill (# 62)
I live in WV so it's practically impossible but if you are willing to pay cash then Sirena Solutions will help you regardless of why you don't want suboxone. They have a location in Fairmont and Buckhannon, WV
Re: Teri (# 41)
Where are these pharmacies at? Or what is good online pharmacy?
Morgantown, WV
Re: MDresidentPAscript (# 46)
Where is ur pharmacy I live in wv and get my script in pa?????
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