Withdrawal With Little Or No Misery Possible ??
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I Want to withdraw from norco , im currently on a high dose between 12-15 10/325 pills a day, i ve heard of at home programs other than suboxone that are natural and supposed to work??? can anyone tell what to do, withdrawal IS HELL ON EARTH...its worse than anything i ve ever suffered, but this "monkey is destroying me, i need pain relief , but im addicted severely....

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I totally feel your pain my addiction is way outta hand!!! I take up to 60 a day 20 at a time and wanna stop so bad and dont know where to turn. I dont know you but Im praying for you because your right its total Hell!!!! God bless you.

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I'm on hydrocodon 10/500mg.I take up to 5 to 6 aday my doc. said that was fine. so is it?

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You really should consult a doctor to get assistance for this.

The first reason I suggest this is due to how much you have been taking, that is a very large amount each day of the Hydrocodone and, as you are well aware, it could cause severe withdrawals.

However, the second reason and the one that is perhaps of more concern is the amount of Acetaminophen you've been taking. Amounts over 4,000mgs a day can be toxic and if you've taken 15 tablets some days, then you've been taking as much as 4,875mgs on those days.

You've obviously not gone into system shutdown and died from it, so far, but you may have already caused yourself some severe organ damage and tests should be run to check for that.


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