Vyvanse Problems (Top voted first)


ive been taking vyvanse for a while now. and every time i take it i have a number of problems and im concerned my main issue is that my tongue gets these sores and its my skin bunching up and peeling away. and im scared and dont no what to do i also dont sleep, eat or want to move around much. my whole body hurts. but thats kinda normal since i have arthrithis and fibromyaglia. but its even worse. and if i take my medicine more then one day in a row i start to see things and everything moves. im having a lot of problems i hope someone could help mem out a little please and thank you

3 Replies

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Well, that type of symptom, with the skin peeling away like that may be the sign of a possible serious reaction.

Learn more Vyvanse details here.

The others that you've described are also very unusual and to be honest, you should seek medical attention.

How often do you take it?

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I try not to take it often because of the side effects I've been getting. I used to take concerta for five years then that started giving me terrible symptons so I stopped that and tried this medication

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The exact same things are happening to me!! Did u ever find out why??

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