Vyvanse Affecting A Woman's Ph Balance. Help! (Page 2)
UpdatedHas anyone had this problem? I had been on adderall for a couple of month and then was taken off of adderall and put on vyvanse. Since then, I have notice my pH vaginal balance is off. Can anyone tell me, if this is a side effect? This is affecting me and my partner.
Please report this to the FDA medwatch. You can do it on line, they should know this is a thing.
I wonder what is in it that’s doing this.
Have you tried a different manufacturer? Maybe it’s the fillers in it?
Re: keylime29 (# 6)
FYI it only takes one partner to give you an infection and condoms don’t protect the areas they don’t cover.
Re: Jh711 (# 10)
You should tell people ACV can give them diarrhea. It’s not terrible it’s just after the drink then it’s fine, but you need to be near a bathroom.
Re: NoMoreOpiateWithdrawals (# 12)
???? So that WHOLE rant has nothing to do with the medication in question.
What was the point??
Re: Lolo (# 15)
Y’all need to report this to the FDA Medwatch. How else would they know about this side effect?
Re: Ki (# 1)
I'm the same since I start taking Vyvanse my PH is off..I stay getting BV since I stared this medication
Re: rukiddingme (# 5)
Because they are treating you for a bacterial infection you do not have. You have a yeast infection- which requires anti fungal medication NOT antibiotics. Doctors are constantly just handing out antibiotics without even confirming what they are treating for. What a joke! Your yeast levels are WORSE/HIGHER now because of the rounds of antibiotics it killed off all your good bacteria’s and now there is nothing to balance the out of control yeast.
Hi. PH has been sooo off. Burning sensation. Super swollen inside. Belly ache. Got tested 3 times for urinary tract infection and std, everything is okay on that side. But it's still super off. Probiotic doesn't work. Creams. Nothing.
Re: Optimistic (# 16)
Not really sexually "transmitted." If someone has BV related to coitus at all, it's more because exposure to a different "environment" is causing an imbalance. So if they have multiple partners, then that environment is often changing. But it all still boils down to a ph imbalance.
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