Vyvanse Has Ruined My Life


I am 19 years old and I have been on Vyvanse for 3 years now. I started out with 50mg and it was amazing. I could stay focused throughout the entire school day, and at the same time I felt great. But after several months or so I noticed I wasn't getting the same results taking the 50mg, so I went up to 60mg. As the months passed by I began to realize I was becoming extremely addicted. I couldn't go a day without taking it. I eventually started taking two a day sometimes and I would run out of medication a week early. When I didn't have any medication...I would feel like total crap. I would get extremely tired, grumpy, and depressed, and I had no energy when I was off the vyvanse. I became so dependent on it that I didn't care about anything else. I lost interest in the things I used to care about: playing sports, hanging with friends, working out. I also had no motivation and didn't care about my future. All I cared about was taking the next pill. And currently, I'm still on vyvanse and don't know how I'm going to get off. I wish I had NEVER taken this drug...it has ruined me, and I don't know if I will ever be my old self again. Please DO NOT take this drug....PLEASE! Trust me, it might work out for you for a little while, but eventually you WILL become addicted(extremely addicted) and it will completely change your personality.

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I am very sorry that you are having problems with this medication, however, the good news is that what you're describing isn't extreme addiction.

That occurs when someone keeps taking more and more of a drug deliberately, because they like the way it makes them feel, such as the high some people get from narcotics.

What you've experienced is called dependence. It is completely normal and happens to everyone that uses any given medication for a long period of time.

Learn more Vyvanse details here.

The best way for you to stop taking it, due the withdrawal symptoms and rebound effects that can occur from a sudden cessation would be to gradually taper your dosage.

Have you talked to your doctor for help?

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Watch this video on an ADHD Medication Webinar: youtube.com/watch?v=Tp2B00Zp0iE&list=LLztQRwWDFyakPj9tiqR5DJA&feature=mh_lolz

Hope it helps.

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same has happened with me, I've been taking vyvance for around 5 years and it has ruined me, my social life, I lost my girlfriend, most of my friends, just everyone in general. I constantly feel like my mind is blank, and I can't start conversations, or maintain them, and I'm not funny anymore, not to mention I forget things extremely easily. I feel braindead, and I'm only 14. I feel like my life was ruined by this pill.

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