Vyvanse Forums
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Has anyone had this problem? I had been on adderall for a couple of month and then was taken off of adderall and put on vyvanse. Since then, I have notice my pH vaginal balance is off. Can anyone tell me, if this is a side effect? This is affecting me and my partner. ## Samantha, I think I'm having the same issue. I struggle to keep my vaginal pH balanced. I see that noone's responded here. If you find out something, please post... and I'll do the same. Thanks. ## I have been having the same problem since I stated taking vyvanse approximately six months ago. I am on my fifth or sixth antibiotic for it and also take probiotics. It is affecting my relationship with my husband as well. Im thinking of going off of vyvanse but it really helps me with ADHD like no other stimulant ...
30 REPLIES UpdatedSome of my capsules are filled all the way some are filled just a little and some are just half of the way which is the proper amount? ## Hi Kim, From what you've stated, it seems like they've been tampered with. I would probably call a local pharmacy and find out if these irregularities are normal. Something just doesn't sound right about each capsule containing what appears to be different doses; let alone the thought of being shorted on the full amount. Did you get this filled at a licensed pharmacy or come about it through some other means? I'm just curious because that would probably help determine their legitimacy. Thanks for any additional info you might have. ## I just got 30 day supply of 50 mg vyvanse & over half of my pills were half filled. This really ma...
42 REPLIES UpdatedI'm so happy I found an active forum. Been googling all kinds of search terms because I am new to this medication and would love feedback and advise. I'm 52 and started on 30mg. I told my doctor I didn't feel much after only two days of that fun high. After only one week he upped me to 60mg. I am bipolar and take meds for that, depression, anxiety and under active thyroid. I'm thinking this dose is too strong. I'm feeling anxious and agitated after only 4 hours. Now it's been a total of 8 1/2 hours and still anxious but also really tired and zoned out. Any thoughts? Do I keep going hoping this side effect will go away? If I do how many days does it take? Or should I go back to 30 until I see my doctor in 3 days? Oh I'm also taking 500mg twice daily for weight...
1 REPLY Updatedmy 8 year old has been prescribed Vyvanse in addition to his Risperdal. the first time he took a whole capsule was terrifying. He couldn't respond to us, couldn't sit up did not remember how to drink from a cup. I now split them in half and only gets one half per day. The dosage is 30 mg when whole. Does anyone have experience with this combo or just vyvanse alone??? ## Vyvanse can cause some stimulant related side effects, such as dizziness, and spaciness, or a high like feeling, especially when someone is new to taking it, so while it is a scary thing to see from your child, if he snapped out of it, without requiring medical intervention, then that's most likely what caused it. However, it never hurts to check with his doctor to be extra safe. The FDA lists the other typic...
1 REPLY UpdatedI have been on this medicine for a year or more. At first it was great, I stayed focus, filled with energy and lost a lot of weight. As time went by the effects I listed wore off and now, I just felt very tired. I gradually weaned myself off, but now I fine I am emotional, weepy, and hungry all the time. I don't finish a project and things that was fun is not. What can one do to minimize the withdrawal symtoms. ## angel, i just wanted to say that i know exactly how you feel. I was on the same medicine (started at 30mg and then gradually to 70mg) for about 6 months. After stopping the medicine, I had the same side effects. I then took concerta after that, concerta definately made me fore happy, but it didnt really do a good job controlling my adhd (wasnt as focused). After 2 weeks on...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI've been on Vyvanse for 3 months, first started at 30mg, than 50m, than 60 mg, a month before each increase.I went up to 70mg and it made me tired , talk excisively and I often repeat myself like Iiwll say somehting then say again a minute or a few seconds later like I didnt say it or explain enough detail..after 3 weeks, I went back down to 60mg and now, I have a little more energy but I feel confussed and having anxiety, like people thnk I'm weird or on somethin, my mind seems to be confused. I was doing fine until the 70 mg, we up the dose to see if that would help with my reading since everything else came together, now I feel like I'm loosing my mind or it doesnt know whats happening and its in shock. i see my doctor in 2 weeks. I figured to wait since its been 6 days ...
3 REPLIES UpdatedFirst and foremost let me say that if u are reading this STOP TAKING VYVANSE IN LARGE DOSES and talk to your doctor... So now that that is out of the way let me tell u my overdose experience and how I dealt with it. I am 24 yrs old, weight is about 156lbs, height is 4'11. I had intended on only taking the drug to lose weight, however like u who's reading this I have become dependent and upped the dose till I again like u had to frantically go searching the internet to see if I was going to die. Well let me say this I am not a Dr and this is my own personal experience so after reading this if u are still extremely worried about ur health always go to the Dr. Ok let's get started... I have taken up to 560mg of vyvanse in 48 hr period that's 280mg in 24hrs. U probably haven...
17 REPLIES UpdatedGood Morning Everyone, I have been on Vyvanse 50 mg for about 7 months. Took it everyday. My company that I work for changed their insurance policy where I now have a 3,000 deductible before copays hit. Vyvanse became 294.00 a month. Couldn't afford it. My doctor (former doctor who never listened to me) tried to put me on Dexedrine twice a day as a suitable replacement. I am currently on Wellbutrin XL 150 mg for my depression and anxiety (and I hear that it helps with ADD) but I am on day 1 of my cold turkey stoppage and I feel like a truck hit me. I thought Vyvanse helped but it really hurt me too. I became irritable, wasn't sleeping, and experienced Amphetamine Induced Erectile Dysfunction. I have been having problems for a few weeks. Twice I was with my girlfriend and couldn...
2 REPLIES UpdatedMy doctor informed me if I'd take the two together, it would enhance and prolong the effects of Vyvanse. I've tried it and it's true, it really does enhance & prolong the effects. Zegerid is available OTC and is an acid reducer and works quite well.
Updatedmy son is taking Risperadone and Vyvanse . has anyone ever been prescribed this combo? side effects? he is 8. thanks for any help!! ## my daughter is on bouth and shes 11 it's been about 7 months really she has not complained of any problems shes on a good dose to plus adderall after school and clonidine to sleep i never wanted to put her on any meds but its so much better for her in school and at home good grades she can stay still listen not all the time but omg shes like a diffrent girl but in a good way my son is on meds but different cause the ones my daughters on didnt faze him it all depends on the kid im on vyvanse to well hope somthing in there helped u out also when being started on new meds try a week or two and follow up with ur doctor very important!!! remember it may t...
3 REPLIES UpdatedI have been on Vyvanse for 4 weeks and I am now tapering off. I was going to quit cold turkey , but I wke up this morning and felt like I'd been hit by a truck. It's been a few hours and I still feel like I have a mild case of the flu. Anyway, I started 4 weeks ago and the first 3 days I never felt better in my life. I 'd never been so productive, focused, and organized! By day 7 , I was back to my normal under- acheiving, scrammbled , self. Then my Dr. raised my dose from 30 mg to 50. Well this threw me into severe anxiety. I have been chewing my nails till they bleed. I can't seem to stop. I have a feeling of being completely overwhelmed, my house is trashed and it's driving me nuts, but I have no energy or drive to get up and clean it.....Can anyone else out there...
159 REPLIES UpdatedMy son had a terrible experience on wyvance. He has phyciatic systems to include halluciations. The doctor took him off the drup cold turkey and Ihe seems to be having withdrawal systems? Is that normal? ## My son,age 5 has ADHD and was on adderall but his father and I didn't like how he was acting so his dr. changed it to vyvance, I've read your comment now I'm very worried about giving it to him...what should I exspect? ## im replying for the kid that was tooken off his meds,denise,i honestly think u need to contact the dr who prescribed the meds to ur son.as to your ?it is definitly normal to have withdrawls,im on adderol.and the dr i see told me this is a narcotic,i have adhd,and they cannot just take him off,i know this,becuz my doctor told me i will be dependent on thi...
428 REPLIES UpdatedShould my friend go to the emergency room? Between yesterday and the day before my friend ingested 280mg and about 140mg of vyvanse. she hasn't been to sleep for two days now, she isn't prescribed them so she doesn't take them on the daily. She still couldn't sleep last night so ita two full days shes been awake and can't really eat. So far today (its ten in the morning) she hasn't taken anymore the last time she took one (it was a full 70mg by mouth) was about six p.m. yesterday. The question is, since yesterday has passed does she need to go to the emergency room, like have to because she works tonight and if she does will they baker act her? We are in Florida ## Hello, Flowerchild! How is she doing? She needs to be checked out by a doctor. Taking such high amo...
2 REPLIES UpdatedMy current doctor is unfortunately in the hospital very ill which forced me to find a new doctor to refill my Vyvanse and let me tell ya...... it's been extremely difficult and still have had no luck. Let me just tell y'all what one Doctor told me when I informed her I needed my Vyvanse filled..... She informed me instead, that this is a touchy subject for her on a personal level, as her son is addicted to Crystal Meth and compared Vyvanse to Crystal Meth. When I asked her if she is comparing Vyvanse to Crystal Meth and she replied.....Yes! Now, isn't that unethical?? ## The unethical part is refusing you treatment based on her personal bias. Comparing that medication to methamphetamine is uneducated. Maybe she needs some continuing education classes? The licensing board sho...
8 REPLIES UpdatedDoes anyone know if the free 30 day trial for Vyvanse is still available? I cannot find it anywhere. My prescription was $250 last month. ## For that I think you can go to vyvansesavings.com. That's the manufacturer's site. ## This site also offers visitors a free prescription savings card which I believe should work with Vyvanse among a number of other medications. ## Is the 30 day free trial still available for the vyvanse this month? Can't afford to get them filled. ## I need a free trial to this med helps well the cost way too much ## Yes there is a rx savings card for a free 30-day trial floating around, I actually just picked one up on my doctors office the other day - I guess the pharmaceutical rep. for Shire makes frequent visits lol. I believe this coupon was recent...
21 REPLIES UpdatedWhat kind of reaction am I to expect from taking 30mg of vyvanse & 16mg of subutex &125mg of librium on a daily basis? I feel well balanced out, outgoing & confident. I am well focused & Function on the top of my game. ## The main concern is the mixing of the Librium and Vyvanse, since they can both increase serotonin levels, if they go too high, it can lead to a possibly fatal condition called serotonin syndrome. That doesn't mean they can't be taken together, successfully, but that your doctor must carefully calculate your doses and should be monitoring your regularly to watch for any possible problems. Side effects may include dizziness, insomnia, nervousness, mood swings and weight loss. Is there anything else I can help with? ## i am prescribed adderall 30mg...
2 REPLIES UpdatedHello everyone, I have ADHD, I'm not on adderall 30mg.one and a half daily. Ya crazy dosage my doctor has me on..its all started a few months ago when in my area the adderall 20mg has been on backorder, all I know is all the pharmacy's within 20 miles around me says they have only been able to get the 10mg or 30mg. Since my scripts he wrote were for 20mg x2 day..I went to his office with the 20mg script and exchange it for 30mg. My next visit is soon..I'm thinking about asking for vyvanse 70mg dose I have only been one it once..I'm new to ADHD meds by about 2 years so any advice would be great thx
3 REPLIES UpdatedHi. I'm prescribed Vyvanse 50mg but I ran out and took some Adderall IR 30mgs to hold me off. Is this going to come up for something different then the regular amphetamines that I test positive for? And when the urine test gets sent to the lab will they be able to tell I'm taking Adderall instead of Vyvanse? ## Did you pass you test? I'm in the same boat. Will a lab detect the difference in vyvanse and adderall? I'm prescribed vyvanse and took 30mg of adderall 3 times. ## Did you past your test will adderal and vyvanse come back the same if sent to lab ## Can a lab test see difference from adderall and vyvance ## They can't Tel the difference. I did the same thing. Passed. ## I have a history of back problems (two blown disc & degenerative discs) as well as fibro...
12 REPLIES UpdatedDo 50mg vyvanse taste like sugar? ## It's probably too late but anyways... they do/did make 70mg vyvance my brother was prescribed these back in late 2014 ## As for the taste I'm curious. I thought they tasted salty but I opened my bottle (it looked weird) and decided to taste them and it was like semi sweet flour, lol. ## Hello Sadie May, Most credible sources won't really specify the taste of a medication but looking around I have found users of various forums claiming that they do in fact have a rather sweet flavor. I cannot confirm or deny that this is true as I do not take them myself but that does tend to be the general consensus among people on the internet. Hope this helps. ## I dont think they have any taste at all in none of them..the highest dose is 70 mg..and the...
5 REPLIES UpdatedI am 22 years old and have been on vyvanse for about 3 years now. I was originally on 30 MG...then up to 50 MG....now i have been at 70 MG for about 2 years. The main reason im taking it is to help concentration in college. This however, is my last year in school and im really scared to stop taking it. On days that i have none available in the morning due to prescription issues...i feel very weird. I feel sad...on the verge of crying for NO REASON.I feel like i cant think straight and i cant even wake up all the way until i had it. Its almost like how people are before they have the morning coffee...im a HORRIBLE SAD ANGRY person without it. I fear what will happen if i stop taking it after college. I feel like i will become a different person and its really scaring me...ANY ADVICE from...
7 REPLIES Updated