Vosol Forums
Recently active Vosol forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Vosol and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I went to the Dr.'s 12/6/10. I have an ear infection. He prescribed Vosol. I took the RX to Walmart and the discounted price is $107.72. I can not afford it. Is there any way you can help? Is there another product that is WAY cheper? What home remedies do you suggest? ## What type of ear infection? Vosol is usually used to treat an outer ear infection (swimmer's ear), and if that's what you have then yes, there are other cheaper options available, including generic medications that you can ask your doctor about prescribing. You can learn more about swimmer's ear here on Medline Plus. However, in many cases, swimmer's ear goes away by itself, but waiting can be miserable, since it is painful, and annoying. This doesn't apply to every case, either, some do need to ...