Vivelle-Dot Forums

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I visited the gynecologist to have a yearly exam, she stated i needed to be on a low dose of estrogen, because i had had a hysterectomy years before (like 6 yrs), and i was at risk for osteporosis). I advised her i smoked heavily, it was asked on the new patient form. She gave me no indication that i could get a blood clot being that i am over 35 (i am 39) and that i smoke. Last weds i had a big clot that went to my heart and caused a heart attack. I have great doctors, and they said i am lucky to be alive. I now have damage to my heart. I quit smoking. The hematologist is doing major blood work, sending it to all parts of the country to see why i got the blook clot, but we think it's because of that estrogen patch she gave me, smoking, and being close to 40. Has this happend to any...

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I have been using the patch with progestin supplements for 5 yrs (guessing) and expect my dr will want me t discontinue soon. I'll be 55 in2 mos. I am ambivalent as i still have experienced hot flashes when nearing time to change the patch. Can anyone recommend alternative safer treatment? ## For me anything is safer. My Dr. put me on premarin, then prempro and never told me to stop so I was on it for 15 yrs. and had a stroke, that's one of the side effects. He never told me to stop even after the stroke, I saw the ad on tv and the side effects and quit on my own. ## When It comes to hormones and how sensitive they are, I usually don't recommend using synthetic hormones from prescription drugs. From my own experience in helping others, natural alternatives to balancing hormo...

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