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nerves product by hylands ## The name is actually Hypericalm, it contains St. John's Wort. Since this is not a prescription drug nor regulated like one, information is now easy to find. I would suggest just researching St. John's Wort.

1 REPLY Updated in Hypericalm

Does anyone else take Rocaltrol for Hypoparathyroidism? ## What are the side effects of taking too much Rocaltrol Ca (0.25mcq)? ## If someone has taken too much, you should call a poison center or take them to the emergency room immediately, not be posting online waiting for an answer, almost any med has the potential to cause severe organ damage or death if too much is taken, either accidentally or intentionally. Here's the monograph for this with more info: Info Click Here

2 REPLIES Updated in Rocaltrol

vitamin ## Sorry, this appears to be something from a foreign country, not available in the US, all the pages I found that mention it are in foreign languages. Foreign meds, both prescription and over the counter are not regulated under one entity like ours are, so I can't find any information on it.

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Pale yellow, oblong, PLIVA 528 on one side, scored on the other, tablet. ## what is common use od Pliva 528? ## This is Choline Magnesium Trisalicylate 500mgs, a generic for Trisalcid, as well as several other brand names. This is a pain reliever, non-narcotic, it can reduce inflammation, fever, and pain.

2 REPLIES Updated in Choline

pink capsule oval much like a vitamin e capsule ## I am not able to find this on 2 of the databases I looked for it on. Since it starts with an L chances are it is an over the counter generic tylenol type of medication, vitamin, or a medication made in another country. ## I am not finding it listed anywhere, either. However, since I do see L's with numbers before and after this, that are all over the counter products, it leads me to suspect that this is also an OTC product. ## Actually, there are still a few that are prescription drugs, not many though. ## I know, I was just going by the numbers though, most companies count consecutively when using the numbers on their pills or capsules, so it is a safe bet that if LNK makes 886 and 888 as over the counter products, then 887 more th...

6 REPLIES Updated in Vitamin E

peach colored large oblong tablet 16 93 ## are there any other imprints, such as a letter or more? I am not able to find this on any database, which probably means that it is an over the counter medication, possibly some type of a vitamin. ## the only inscriptions are 93 on one side and 16 on the other. I don't think it's a vitamin, and I've never seen any OTC pills that look like this. ## Perhaps you have never seen them but that doesn't mean they don't exist. I have checked several databases extensively, and it appears as if either they are not a prescription medication (at least from the US, maybe it's licensed somewhere else); or it is an old medication where those numbers are no longer being used. I did scan the old number databases too but could not find it...

7 REPLIES Updated

medum size capsule ## Certainly there is a number and or letter on the orange medium size capsule. It is hard to figure out what it is without some of the identifying information. ## IF it is an OTC product such as some generics for Tyelnol or a vitamin supplement, it might not have a marking. There are no requirements for those to have unique IDs, like there are for prescription drugs. It does, however, make it impossible for us to positively identify it, unless the OP would take it to a lab and pay for them to test it. ## That's very true, but I even asked several pharmacist colleagues of mine to identify it and they couldn't. They helped me search the electronic PDR, but to no avail. We all agreed that it must be an OTC medication if there are no markings. I was thinking that...

8 REPLIES Updated

I had a kidney transplant in 2002. However in 2002 my kidney failed. I also have uncontrollable high blood pressure. The doctor continued to give me more and more medication. However, it failed in also. Now the doctors seem to give me more and more drugs. Renax and Felodipine were just added.

Updated in Renax

prescribed by Dermatolagist for treatment of facial skin inflamation such as Rosachia or acne. From SIRIUS. 1 Tablet by mouth twice a day.Want to add it to current list in Rewards plus to reduce cost for 60 Tabs per month for $56.99. Excuse spelling!

Updated in Nicomide

a long yellow/orange tablet with B082 on one side ## VITAMIN COMBINATION, ADULT FORMULA (By mouth) Multivitamins are given to people who need more vitamins in their diet. Brand Name(s):Folbee Plus, Vitaplex Plus, Premesis Rx, Duet Stuartnatal, Niferex-150, DuetDHA Stuartnatal, Nicomide, Vitacon Forte, Diatx, Hematinic Plus Vitamins & Minerals, Centrum, Centrum Silver, Ocuvite, Ocuvite PreserVision, Citracal + D There may be other brand names for this medicine. When This Medicine Should Not Be Used: You should not use this medicine if you have had an allergic reaction to any single vitamin or multivitamin. Do not use this medicine if you are under 18 years old. How to Use This Medicine: Tablet, Long Acting Tablet, Chewable Tablet, Liquid Filled Capsule, Liquid, Capsule If you are usi...

1 REPLY Updated in Folbee

preservision eye vitamins ## Related Page: Ocuvite PreserVision Ocuvite PreserVision 120 ea (Bausch & Lomb) Helps Preserve Eye Health The vitamin and mineral supplement used in the National Eye Institute (NEI) age-related eye study (AREDS). Ocuvite® - the #1 recommended eye vitamin and mineral supplement brand among eye care professionals. Ocuvite® PreserVision™ was the antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplement used in AREDS. The age-related eye study (AREDS) is a ground breaking 10-year, independent study conducted by the National Eye Institute (NEI) of the National Institutes of Health. Ocuvite® PreserVision™ is a uniquely formulated, high-potency antioxidant supplement with select vitamin and mineral levels in amounts well above 100% of the U.S. ...

1 REPLY Updated in Ocuvite

tropical fruit supossedly to have great health benefits & healing benefits if taken daily. ## Some info found for you Naturally Noni Liquid Dietary Supplement Made from Morinda Citrifolia Used by Polynesian Islanders for years for its healthful benefits where it is known as the Queen of the Health Plants Scientists continue to study Noni to unlock its amazing health benefits. The ancient Kahuna considered Noni their most sacred herb and healer.* Original Polynesian Noni In the lush magical islands of Polynesia the Noni fruit has been used for thousands of years to heal the body, mind and spirit.* The ancient Kahuna considered it their most sacred herb and healer for every conceivable malady and imbalance. The volcanic rich soil is an ideal environment for the Noni to grow and f...

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