Vitamin D2 1.25mg (50000 Unit) (Page 2)
UpdatedDo you take this supplement at night or with meals? When are you supposed to take it?
Second week on 50000 vitamin D and no more back and leg pain. Also have more energy and no longer have memory loss. No weight gain or munchies. So far so good. Hope that helps.
I took my 1st pill today and felt a little nauseous I had to lay down to be woken up with leg cramps
My PCP told me My lab test showed Vitamin D deficiency(268.9) for which she prescribed Vitamin D2 1.25mg. (50,000 Units) once a week for four weeks.
Also for low phosphate levels (275.3) prescribed K phosphorous for one day and the next day have the lab test again.
My dr. told me to take one capsule every week of Vitamin D2 MG (50000 Unit) as written on the bottle. What's the benefit?
MS. BEE wants to know
What is reason dr. prescribing Vit.D2..l.25, one a week for 8 weeks; then OTC same, taking 2000mg.per day. I was told from my blood work that mine was l4 and should be 40 at my age (85}?? I was told deficiency could attribute to Parkinson's Disease, Dementia, Osteo-Arthritis ( which I have very bad), plus other diseases..Your opinion would be appreciated.....
Me too have the same or worse symptoms they get more worse when I do driving or sit in the car for longer time because the nature of my job. I took the same vit d2 1.5 for three weeks and also still taking vit D 5000 I still was having lots of pain in my lower legs and thighs then I bought stocking from Walgreens that is helping me a lot I am feeling much better. But pain is controlled and contained. Reply to my message let me know how it Go.
My doctor prescribed only 8 capsules by month one weekly due to vitamin D deficiency
Yes, you can absolutely breastfeed while you are taking your vitamin D. In fact, if you are low right now, you SHOULD have been checked while you were pregnant and almost certainly should have been taking that dose MONTHS ago so that your baby was also sufficient in Vitamin D.
Be sure that you are ALSO supplementing your baby, as vitamin D takes time to build up in your body, and your baby will not be getting any vitamin D from your breastmilk until you have been vitamin D sufficient for many months. See my page on
Doctors believe that breastmilk is a poor source of vitamin D, but this is incorrect. It's an excellent source of Vitamin D... but only if mothers are sufficient in Vitamin D.
Kerri Knox, RN
San Francisco, CA, United States
Hi, I was prescribed Vit D2 1.25 mg once a week for 8 weeks. So far I have taken 3 pills for 3 weeks. My arms are aching me and I had a couple of days of urinating a lot. Is this something that can happen when taking this? My doctor said my blood work showed low vit D and wrote me out a prescription for this. Trying to hang in there!!!
Me too I'm scared to gain more weight I'm trying to lose it it's been so heard...
how much do u take vit. d with , or do u have to take it with meals
I have low libido & pre-emission problems. Is this medicine D2 1.25mg 50000 good for these problems, or if not what should i do? Thanks.
I take 1000 mg. D3 twice/day with meals....My doctor has advised this is best for me at age 85......My blood work before started this for Vit.D3 showed 14, and according to her should be higher....The above dosage has worked very well....No after effects......
Previous message should read 1000IU twice a day w/meals......This is all I have to share.....It is working well.....
My Vit D level is 9 with Blood work and the doctor ordered Vit. D2 1.25 mg 50,000u Monday, Wednesday, Friday for 6 weeks with fatty meal. Then 1 every week
Regardless of whether anyone has positive or negative effects from the Vitamin D they are prescribed, they should not actually be prescribed vitamin D! Presciption Vitamin D is Vitamin D2 and is it not the proper type of Vitamin D that humans should be taking. We 'should' be taking Vitamin D3, which is the kind we get from the sun and from animals. D3.
Not to mention that no one should be given either type of vitamin d alone without the proper 'cofactors' of magnesium, vitamin a, vitamin K, and B Vitamins. Those who have side effects from taking vitamin D are almost always deficient in these cofactors and that is what is causing their symptoms. Doctors do their patients a serious disservice from their ignorance on not giving these cofactors with Vitamin D.
Kerri Knox, RN
San Francisco, CA, United States
Why are people so negative keep your opinion to your self think good thoughts
I had heart problems and high blood
I was given
metoprolol 50mg and isosorbid 60mg , furosemide,
I could have kidney failure
Is this true
Como se toma la vitamina d1 50,000 estoy tomando para la tiroides en la mañana
Yes I was losing weight that I needed to lose, but after taking vitamin D2 1.25 (50,000 units) once a week, it seemed like I was always hungry, wanting something. I have been taking these vitamins for a few months now. No one told me to eat with them. I ran out the last two weeks, and started getting horrible pains in my ankle bones. Like a Charlie horse, but just in my ankles, woke up and couldn't even get up for awhile, till I finally quit hurting!! But I kept getting pain all throughout the day and night. Finally my prescription was picked up this evening and I took one. Going to see if pains continue or stop. Do you know if you have to be slowly taken off this vitamin?
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