Vimpat Interacting With Lamictal
UpdatedDoes anyone else take Vimpat along with Lamictal? I started having a severe side effect when I added Vimpat to help control my partial seizures. I would become extremely dizzy and it felt like my eyes were working independent of one another, like i was walking sideways. this effect made me have motion sickness so I would lay down with my eyes closed and it literally felt like a was spinning around and around and around, so that didnt help the nausea as you can imagine. this would last for about 2 hours, then slowly it would taper off till I felt normal again. When I mentioned it to my doctor, she said that there has any been any recorded interactions with the two medications. Has anyone else ever had this problem?
10 Replies
There are no interactions listed, just as your doctor has stated, but your doctor should also be aware that this doesn't necessarily mean that combining the two doesn't cause a problem for you.
Everyone can react differently to medications and it's just a quirk of the human body.
And it may just be a reaction to the new medication itself and not a result of combining it with the Lamictal. That is also a very real possibility.
What solution did your doctor suggest?
There are other medication options that you can try.
It is NOT a safe combination! I was one of the first patients that my hospital did that with and they ended up having to fly me back to the doc's 2 days later bc I went into a screaming frenzy AFTER a seizure and it didn't stop for almost 30 minutes. I remember almost the entire thing. The docs told me about a month after that that the same thing happened with another patient
My son is currently taking 200mg of Lamictal twice daily and three months later vimpat 50mg was added twice daily also. He also has autism and taking zyprexa has been helpful in keeping him more balanced. So far, taking Lamictal along with Vimpat hasn't caused any noticeable side effects. His last seizure was in November but was less than two minutes. However, I'm considering weening him off of the Vimpat. His prescription ran out and his neurologist was out of the country and was without it a couple of days. My pharmacy was willing to give me enough Vimpat until he had the refill but because it's a controlled substance, they couldn't help. I was so concerned that my son would have more seizures because Vimpat shouldn't be stopped quickly and it can trigger more seizures. I'm starting to think it may be best to try a medication that I won't have to be fearful of my son having seizures because he was without his medication a couple of days. Does anyone know how long Vimpat remains in your body?
I am checking out the same thing! I have been on Lamictal for years, but, no matter what they try, they can't control my PC seizures. I've had trouble seeing, burning eyes, occasional double-vision, dizziness, poor memory, and poor balance. On my own, I recently reduced/stopped Vimpat. I could see in the a.m. They recently changed my larger dose to be at bedtime rather than the a.m. I now am sure to eat prior to taking it... neither has helped! I'll let you know if the Dr has more advice. I'm going to try to see her soon.
Weird! This a.m., I took Vimpat and waited on Lamictal... I was fine prior to that, but, now cannot see the computer! Must be an interaction!!!
I take Keppra, Lamictal, and just started Vimpat. I have only been on it (50mg 2x per day) for 1 week and hate it. It makes me nauseated, depressed, dreams that are threatening, and did nothing to help the speech problems I am having. It stressed me out to even think about taking the Vimpat. I called my Neurologist's office who is going to get back with me.
I started taken limaictal and vimpat together 6 weeks ago 100mgs of limaicta and 200 mgs of vimpat, and I feel terrible my head eye's and neck are killing me., its very hard to focus, and I don't want to do anything, and I'm hungry all the time, has any one had any of these side effects.
I've been taking Vimpat and Lamictal for almost 2 years now and I did just fine. I'm on 400mg of Vimpat and I was on 400mg of Lamictal. But then I started seeing a new Dr who is one of those "well let's try this and if it doesn't work, then we'll try this" type of Dr. I hate him! He tried taking me off of my Vimpat completely to put me on Tremedal, which made me completely black out, aggressive, and actually cause me to have more seizures! And he even told us it would do that! That's the sad part about it, and I go to Emory so you'd think a Dr at Emory would be on top of his game. But after I called and told what happened, the on-call Dr was the one that told me to stop taking that medicine (how sad is that?) Then when I went back to see my regular Dr he said "well obviously that last medicine we tried didn't work (no s*** Sherlock) so we're gonna try this. And he told me to keep taking my 200mg Vimpat twice/day (because that's what the on-call Dr had said to do) and increase my Lamictal to 400mg twice/day. So now I'm taking 800mg/day. I get REALLY dizzy, nauseous, light headed, I can't walk because I stumble too much and can't keep my balance enough to stand up straight. I can't hold on to anything, and when I try to pick anything up I just end up dropping it. I can't talk because I slur my words so bad, and when I do talk, I repeat things 15 million times because I can't remember what I've said. So my Dr said that it was Lamictal increasing my Vimpat level causing it to do this. So he said to cut my Vimpat down to 100mg twice/day and see if that helps any. So I guess we'll see... If not then I'm taking matters into my own hands with my medicine. But what is so strange though, is it only does this when I take it at the same time as all of my other meds. If I take it a few hours later just by itself I do fine with no side effects. (I know I wrote a book here. Lol sorry)
That could be due to farmacological interactions in the stomach. The best would be to take them apart - 2h like you said is best. Look up absorbtion interaction on wikipedia. It explains it perfectly.
It sounds to me like your son needs a new neurologist. Because, I'm on Vimpat myself, and my neurologist has never let me go without it. And, he could also be held liable for neglect. Because, it wouldn't matter if I had 2 refills. If he even thought that I'd run out of the second fill, while he was out of the office, he'd make sure that I had it. Plus, when I wasn't able to pay for my Vimpat, he gave me samples from his office.
This is staring to be a problem for me also. I'be both Lamictal and Vimpat for more then a year, but it just started to kick in. The diziness and double vision has started a few months again and the loss of balance started a few weeks ago with today being the worse. I feel down while walking and hit my head against the wall and the door. After that, the loss of balance continued. I am actually experiencing it right now. I am laying down and if I get up on my bottom I will lose my balance. I feel it.
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