Viibryd Is Rough To Get On, Rough To Get Off, And Wasn't Worth The Ride
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Like most people here, I've been on tons of antidepressants and especially SSRIs because I have depression and anger issues. I was on Zoloft 200mg qd and it was pretty good but not perfect. PsychNP suggested Viibryd. Did a taper onto Viibyrd - I almost never get side effects but I definitely got the nausea and diarrhea. She hoped to have me at just 20mg qd but I was still slightly agitated, went to 30mg, still slightly agitated, went to 40mg and never got to a calming type dose like I can get with other SSRIs, was dizzy, and had horrible insomnia. For my brain, with depression and agitation/aggression, I give Viibryd a 0/10. Tough, slow taper up, painful on the way down. I am hightailing it back to Zoloft 200mg qd and hope for a quick transition away from the dizziness, insomnia and nausea. I should be doing a cross-taper between the 2 like I did to get onto it but I stopped Viibryd completely and restarted Zoloft the next day. Probably not wise but I hated no sleep. Maybe Viibryd is better suited for those with zero aggression issues. Comments, especially on the length of time that I should expect to feel like crap after restarting Zoloft after being on Viibryd for 5 weeks, are welcome!

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Have you had success yet with any other antidepressants? I have never been on Zoloft but on many other antidepressants. I am curious how long before you felt 'normal' after coming off Viibryd. I have been off for two months and more depressed than before, not sure if it is part of the coming off or just me. I was only on Viibryd for a month or so, hate feeling so down but not willing to go through what i did on Viibryd, worst medicine I have ever swallowed! I do not want to go through that again,so I am extremely hesitant to try other drugs if doctors are still giving this one out. My question in my mind is how could I listen to a doctor who obviously has not read up on patient's response to this drug. Hope you are doing well on Zoloft.

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Thanks for the reply, Verwon. I am feeling much better, very close to "normal"! after about 5 days back on Zoloft. I was on Prozac for years, years ago. It was helpful but not complete, but that very early on in untangling the puzzling strings. Cheers, mate.

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Hi, Rob! Sorry about the problems you had with Viibryd. As to how long you may feel that way, it's difficult to say, since you went straight onto another SSRI, it shouldn't be too severe and may only last for a short period of time.

I'm wondering if you've ever tried Prozac/Fluoxetine?

Learn more Prozac details here.

it tends to have a more calming effect than many of the other SSRIs, so it might help you more with your agitation and anger.

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