Viibryd And Chronic Nausea
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I've been taking Viibryd for over a year now with great success! It has really changed my life. Over the past 3 months, I've had an issue with chronic Nausea and vomiting . My Dr. Says it isn't drug related since I was able to tolerate after starting. I can't figure out what is causing this and it's very frustrating. My gut tells me it's the drug , but I am so scared to stop taking as its helped me so much! Has anyone else had this issue???

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No, nothing has really changed, I am not as active as I should be but that's just due to a long winter and not being able to go outside to exercise. I am continuing my meds and the nausea has subsided so I am hopeful it's getting better. Thank you!

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Hello, Lily! How are you doing?

Your doctor is right, it would be very unusual for the medication to cause nausea, after being on it for such a long time.

Has anything else changed, such as your eating habits? Exercise levels? Are you on any other medications?

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