Victrelis Forums
Recently active Victrelis forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Victrelis and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I am into week 12 of Victrelis Triple... I should find out next week if I have reached 0-viral load. I am seriously asking myself if I want to or can continue for another 36 weeks. Tiredness, achiness... thoughts? With the new drugs (Zovaldi+) at 100% cure, less side-effects and shorter treatment. I am unsure if I am willing to sacrifice another year of my life. ## Hello, Bluehowz! How are you doing? What I think you should do is set up an appointment with your doctor, discuss your concerns and the side effects you've been experiencing, ask them about the other treatment options and the possible side effects, then you can make a fully informed decision on the matter and do what's best for you. Is there anything else I can help with?
I'm taking Victrelis and it makes me sick. Is there anyone that's on this med that really truly takes every pill of it? Cause there are times I just can't do it. Thank you in advance for any feedback! ## Hello, Cupcakes! How are you? If you're having that much trouble sticking with your medication regimen, then you need to let your doctor know, as soon as possible. For severe flu-like symptoms, you could be experiencing a bad reaction that will just continue to get worse. If it's just nausea, then your doctor may be able to provide you with a solution. Have you let your doctor know about this, yet?
just started triple therapy with peginterferon ribavirin and victrelis been on victrelis for 8 days now and am so sick with nasuea and vomitting is this normal? i am new to treatment and any feedback would really help ## Nausea and Vomiting happen to be the first two side effects listed under Victrelis (Boceprevir): In all honesty I would consider talking to your doctor about taking a more natural approach to hepatitis C. NaturalNews has an excellent article (linked below) on alternative therapy that works without having to experience such nasty side effects: I hope this helps!
How large are the capsules? I cannot swallow large pills or capsules. Thank you ## The size of these capsules actually appear to be smaller than the average size. They are also noted to be "hard capsules", which may correlate to how dense the shell is. Linked below on the company's webpage, you can view a photo of what they refer to as the actual size of the pill: I hope this helps!