Vicodin HP Forums
Recently active Vicodin HP forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Vicodin HP and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Is this a Vicodin? Its pink has the letter V stamp on one side and 5114 on the other side. ## I just saw this posting. Your pill is NOT vicodin. It is a generic form of propoxyphene;acetaminophen. The brand name is Darvocet-N 100. It has 100mg propoxyphene and 600mg acetaminophen. It is a controlled substance that can be addictive. It causes marked drowsiness; stomach ache, constipation, blurred vision ## I take blue 10's lower tab for my back my friend gets same as I do but she goes to diff pharmacy than I do! Mine are blue 10's and hers are pink 10's it has a V on one side and 3500 on the other! I am worried they gave her the wrong meds at pharmacy can anyone help please! ## Opps I mean 3600 on the other ## The Pill is Vicodin I have the pill and the bottle in front of me ...
need help identifying this pill ## I will glad help, but I need the exact markings that are on the pill, including any numbers, logos, and/or letters. ## yellow pill with v on 1 side the numbers 3601 on the other ## football shaped yellow pill, with a v on 1 side and numbers 3601 on the other side
How long does the Opiate in Vicodin ES 7.5 /750 last in your blood stream ## The opiate in Hydrocodone will say in your system 72 hours. It would be wise to give it another day on top of that to be sure. Of course all this depends of what type of U/A you are being suggested to. There are the U/A's that test for the everyday drugs and of course they can test your hair which could show drug use as long a 6 months or more. GOOD LUCK ## 72 hours depending on the type of drug test they use. ## For a blood test, the time for opiates to show is actually very short, it is only detectable for 6 to 12 hours, though this can vary a little, depending on how long you have been taking and how much you have been taking. The Hydrocodone in this, which is coupled with Acetaminophen, is a narcotic op...
it says watson825 ## Pill Image Acetaminophen 650mgs and Oxycodone 10mgs, this is a generic for Roxicet. ## no its a oxycodine, if u type in watson 825 in the search box itll bring up oxycodine ## Corey...try again...your spelling is off> It is oxycodone not oxycodine. Also, it does have the acetaminophen in it as well and is generic for Roxicet! ## Just some search examples: Re: watson 825Pills with the inscription watson 825 have oxycodone in them. ... Re: watson 825 abe lincoln -- Friday, 12 December 2003, at 2:13 pm. Re: watson 825 ...;read=2773 - 20k - Cached - Similar pages Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Product Search ResultsInscription: WATSON 825 Orange Book Rating: AA, US Prescribing Info · Product Image. OXYCODONE/APAP CAPSU...