Vicodin Addiction
UpdatedI know vicodin is addictive, but what I want to know is: For the people who are in chronic severe long term pain, is getting off it any easier?
Vicodin isnt that strong, it is only a little stronger than acetomeniphen and codiene but theres something about vicodin that makes it much more addictive, does anybody know?
15 Replies
No! But I would like to know what it is. My husband has been taking Vicodin, off and on, for 2 years. He takes it for severe pain.
Well me being a ex drug addict to perscription drugs my comment to this would be...When we get addicted we can take up to 30 pills and not care or we start mixing a lot even drink with the meds. This causes more damage and health problems to are body....This making in the end the pain worse..It's a lot like alcohol It's ok why your on it but as soon as the buzz wears off your life is worse then when you started. I am only 20 and I was an addict for 4 years I stopped for 2 years. Yet now I always keep something in my system when I fall back to my own patterns which does happen from time to time. I'll even take like 19 excedrin pms and some sleeping pills from over the counter just mixing the drugs makes me high. It is a very sad road...I wish I never would have taken it for my pain...Leslie
Also on another note....You can take vicodin exaclty how the doctor prescribes it and still with then 2 weeks be is very sad and I suggest to anyone taking it for pain to try a muscle relaxent instead trust me in the long run it is better...thank you any questions you can email me at [email protected] I'll be glad to talk to anyone about it...I know a lot about many prescription narcotics...thank you again
Having just gotten off vicodie and xanax after being on them for 3 years, getting off is hell. If you have other options, try them. I have taken both on and off, but got severally addicted and finally decided to be honest with my healthcare professionals. It is a choice between being in pain and being addicted; neither are good.
most people start out taking the drugs ( all pain pills) for pain but find that the longer they take them the less good they do for the pain, so you take more and then the more you take the more you need. The addition is physical when you are taking large amounts and try to just stop; but usually the most of the addition is in your head. Yes, if you take any of them it,s like alcohol and you can NEED it but if you can beat the mental part then you can get off of it by decreasing the dose a little at a time, not mixing it with anything else and when you are off you HAVE TO STAY OFF; if not you will be hooked again. Don't think you can substuite another drug you will just switch from one drug to another or a combo of them which makes you worse, and is harder to get off of.
May God bless you both, Leslie and Laurie. I have many narcotics in my house but have never taken them regularly. Mostly they just sit there and get old until I finally throw them out. On Monday I went to the E.R. to get splinters removed. I was given scrips for 15 Keflex (3x per day) and 12 Hydrocodone (1 every 4 hours for pain). Let me tell you, I took ONE and hadn't come out of my coma by the time 4 hours had elapsed. Thus far I've taken only two. The rest will get old, and be thrown away. I really didn't know how fortunate I am until I read this post, and for that, I thank you both.
Ashleigh...don't worry about yourself being addicted...a real addict would have taken all 12 at once! I think Laurie and Leslie know what I mean. Coming off of 10 years or Klonopin and 6 years of Percocet/Lorcet/Vicodin was the most horrible painful excruciating experience of my life. I got to the point in my addiction where my own son was just a buzz kill to me and I let anyone who would take him take him. I didn't care. Today,(3 and a half years sober) he si my best friend. I don't ever want to be that person again. Addiction ruins families
I went through Vicodin ES withdrawl last August. Although I had been promised a 'rapid detox', which is generally reserved for the very wealthy or celebrities, in the end, as this was a Worker's Comp case, in which I was given the medication like candy - I ended up going through a 30-day outpatient detox. Until my mother's recent passing, it was the single most difficult thing that I have ever gone through. Without the support that you need, it is nearly impossible to do on your own. I had been promised physical therapy (as I was taking this as a result of two spinal surgeries that I had recently undergone), as well as psychological counseling, which would prove to be the most beneficial in the process. The psychological help that I need to get through this process was not in place as I had taken my last pill and I was not warned that you cannot sleep for about two weeks following the cessation of this drug. You will drift in and out of sleep, but nothing that is restful. The end result is that, at least for me, I reached the port where I finally broke and ended up in a psychi ward after 7 days of no sleep. The doctors there admitted that I didn't belong there and that I should have been prescribed something to help me sleep, at least in the beginning. But, whatever you do, STOP taking it. In the long run, I would rather be in constant pain that ever have to go through that process again. But prior to stopping make SURE that you have a psychological plan in place, have plenty of support and have a physician who understands that you will require some medication to help you sleep. They physical withdrawl symptoms are gone within 3 - 4 days, which are more like severe flu symptoms. It's the lack of sleep that will unhinge you. Good luck to all of you in your process!
Sorry to here the above. MY answer to you is to ask your dr. for a non narcodic med. they are out there. and they do work, with out the high. But the high will only last for a while or until you spend all your money and then some on them. I was addicted for 8 yrs. lost alot. My family is still with me thank God they had gone through alot. I had been in rehab 5 times. this last time was in march- april 05. and lasted for 35 days. So far so good. I would have to say get off of them as fast as you got on them. Good luck to you! If you would like to e-mail that would be great.
Unfortunately, I'm afraid that it makes no difference whether you're a long-term chronic sufferer, or happen to get hooked on Vicodin as a recreational drug - going through the detox is the same for everyone, unless you're fortunate enough to go through 'rapid' detox - which most people aren't. I detoxed about a year and a half ago and I am TERRIFIED of ever having to take it again (I've had two spinal surgeries, the last being my neck was fused). I am in pain daily, but I refuse to take it again because the detox was so difficult. Perhaps you can have your doctor slowly taper you off of them and it won't be so difficult. My doctor put me on a 30-day methodone program, which wasn't bad - it was when I was finished with that that is was awful. I don't want to go into specifics because I'm sure it's different for everybody, but if at all possible, have your doc try and wean you off slowly and maybe you'll have better results. You can always write to me because I know what you'll be going through. Good luck - be strong and remember than you can get through it. Also, Vicodin is much stronger than aspirin, I don't know where you heard otherwise and it also has what doctors call a half-life, which means after your body gets used to taking whatever amount you are taking, your body then needs 1 1/2 times more to relieve the pain - and that's how the cycle begins. You slowly start increasing the amount you're taking and before you know it you're taking 40 a day like I was. The doctors fed it to me like candy. I had to ask to detox, can you believe that? I don't know if I would have asked if I had known how hard it would be. But, if I can get through it, anybody can. Have faith in yourself.
May you be relieved of this pain, all of you, and have a wonderful holiday season! Think of it as ... a bad dream! Gone, but not completely forgotten.
I've recently been experiencing the startings of chronic back in my lower back going on the 2nd year now. I actually took a vicodin because the pain was severly intense. I had to have my boyfriend put on my shoes for me it was that bad. Does any one have any other methods in mind for dealing with lower back pain and not having to resort to pain pills such as vicodin? I've read all of the replies above and my heart cheers on the one's who have quit.
I have been on Hydracodone 10mgx 8/day plus lyrica 200mg x2/day for serious pain caused by a
nerve in my back which also caused dropfoot in my right foot and leg. I am looking for the right doctor that has experience in this
situation or comments re the medicine and the pain condition. Also am I asking for addiction from the pain pills described above. Love some replys.Note been on this doseage for a month and lighter dosage for 3 months.
yes of course anyone who takes that med knows. It is a fast acting pain med. If you are long term chronic you should be taking long term med's. The withdrawl will be greater with the long acting however in time of day's about a week longer. God Bless
Your young and have been off for a year or more before. Just get off and stay off. U can ruin the rest off your life with going back and forth.
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