Very Thick Round White Pill With No Marks (Top voted first)
UpdatedPill, one quarter inch thick, white, 3/8 diameter, no marking either side round, convex on top and bottom
3 Replies
my mums been taking antenenol for years along with ramipril,she has a bad leg at the moment and the doctor things it might be a blockage,so he's decided to stop the antenenol for a week to see if it helps.she's a bit concerned that something might happen to her if she stops taking it she's 74.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
If merely trying to find out if it's narcotic or pain pill, simply break down in water and test with a dollar store or drug store urine test for drugs. You can find out what it is possibly and maybe rule out drugs that are being used for recreation and or illicit.
I'm sorry, but if there are no markings, it will be impossible to positively identify it, unless you would pay to have it lab tested.
There are many pills on the market that meet this description, including over the counter products and foreign medications.
where did you find it?
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