Velcade Forums
Recently active Velcade forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Velcade and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.hi i was wondering my 76 year old father n law lives with me and is receiving velcade is it harmfull to anyone in the house as i have a 6 month old grandchild living with me and i allso suffer from ms and am on allot of meds wich supress my immune system.i know when he was in the hospital the nurses allways doubled gloved and would not allow anyone to use his bathroom.any input would be very helpfull thanks ## I have been taking Temsonol on a daily basis and I have a long history of HIV which has basically, eradicated with drugs. Is it dangerous for me to ingest the drug because of the HIV? ## I am not seeing any warnings about such issues, the double gloving is normal for nurses, with many medications, due to the fact that they are frequently exposed to a lot of things, while working i...
I have had amyloidosis in the past and was treated with Velcade and Decadron Are there other treatments? ## Hello, Jerrie! How are you? Chemotherapy drugs are usually used to treat it, most commonly Mephalan with the steroid Dexamethasone. Side effects can include nausea, dizziness, hairless and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?