Varibar Pudding Forums
Recently active Varibar Pudding forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Varibar Pudding and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I have celiac sprue and have problems taking any pharmaceuticals. My physician wants to find the source of my excessive coughing and has ordered a swallow test that requires me to drink several types of Barium products. I have spent days researching the ingredients for the Varibar Thin Liquid, The Varibar Nectar Thick Liquid, The Varibar Honey-Thick Liquid, the Varibar Pudding Thick Liquid, and the Barium Tablet (Pill). I plan to contact the manufacturer as well, but want to research the ingredients first. I am kind of stumped on the last two ingredients in the Barium tablet such as the microcrystalline cellulose and the povidone. Sources have said these may contain gluten. Are there better products to take for contrast in this type of testing under the situation I am dealing with?