Vaginal Discharge After Taking Neo Penotran
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Iam hoping that any of you experienced the same thing as mine. My OB Gyne prescribed me with Neo Penotran for 7 nights. After i inserted the suppository, i noticed a white cream like discharge when i peed the morning after of in the wee hours of the morning. It's like the suppository only melted inside and just went out when i peed. Is the discharge normal or i have to start all over again because i'm doing it the wrong way? Btw, i just finished my 4th night. Please help! Thanks in advance!
9 Replies
It's my 3rd night using the Neo-Penotran suppository and I noticed a lot of excessive discharge. Is it normal to experience excessive discharge while using this suppository?
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Is it normal that I discharge a color green in my one night using the neo penotran vaginal supp?
Re: Cara (# 6)
Hi Cara, I currently use neo penotran, it's my second day and had a yellowish discharge when I pee. Based on your experience, It is normal? Thank you in advance
Re: yuna (# 3)
Same to me. Is there any answer to this
Re: shan (# 4)
i have the same discharge, pure white cream
Re: yuna (# 3)
I have exact same concern. Is it normal?
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I was prescribe by my obgyne to insert 1 neo penotran for 7 nights.. Why do I have green vaginal discharge every day since the day 1 of my medication? is it normal? its my 4th day today and I still have the same amount of discharge. I dont feel any symptoms aside from that
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Yes, my question is almost the same, but the difference is 5 mins. after i insert, there is some discharge. It looks like melting neopenotran, only during discharges, I feel burning in my vagina. Did i do it in a wrong way or is it normal?
Neo Penotran contains Metronidazole and Miconazole, it is used to treat various types of bacterial infections.
Yes, it is normal for some of it to be expelled, but you still receive enough of the medication. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including irritation, redness, itching, and spotting.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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