Using Norco 350mgs While On Suboxone 4 Mgs Day


I've been on Suboxone for 6 years now & have been taking 2-4mgs daily for over a year now. I've recently went to the ER & have Acute Pancreatitis. I am very open & forthcoming to any & every doctor that treats me & always ensure they're aware of every medication that I take & it's indication of use. So with knowing I use subs the ER physician still prescribed the additional Norco 325 but only provided 10 tablets to help me get through the incredible amount of pain. Increasing the Suboxone does NOTHING to aide in the relief of pain, at all. It never has. I've been told that the Norco meds will not be able to make me feel high but why is that the first thing that is thought of? I'm NOT wanting to feel high AT ALL...hence the Sub treatment. However, the ER physician assured me that the Norco will still be effective in pain relief which is what I am needing. Suboxone has been said to alleviate pain but it has never done so for me. Now my pharmacist will not fill the prescription until there's medical clearance by the ER physician but the ER physician that knowingly prescribed them to me for pain control for Acute Pancreatitis is not working for a few days. What can I do? The pain is beyond my threshold. I've already attempted taking additional Suboxone and it's done absolutely nothing except make me nauseous.

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Hello, Mark! How are you? I'm sorry that you're in pain.

Actually, the Naloxone in the Suboxone neutralizes opiates and it doesn't do so selectively, so they really won't help with your pain, either, going by the information provided by the FDA.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

You may want to contact the doctor that provides your Suboxone, you may need to go off of it for awhile, or switch to Subutex for awhile, so you can get pain relief.

Does anyone else have any ideas that may help?

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So because of the Naloxone, as it acts as a blocker to the opiate receptors in my brain, the hydrocodone will be ineffective for pain relief as well? That's bad news, the pain is becoming unbearable at times & I've been told to increase the Subs as they're opiates & that they will help alleviate pain but that's not been the outcome for me at all. The Subs have done nothing for the pain even though I've increased the amount from 3 mgs on average up to 8 mgs per day.....the only effect it's had has been to make me even more nauseated & now constipated. Sorry for the over share of information.
I'm really concerned now because I'm being scheduled for surgery for gallbladder removal....I struggle physically from really severe side effects of general anesthesia as it is. How is my pain supposed to be maintained post operatively? The effects of the naloxone will block any pain meds that they provide me for pain relief. Should I stop taking the Subs completely and just endure the withdrawal? s

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Yes, usually they have you stop the Suboxone for awhile, before surgery.

Does your surgeon know that you're taking it?

Have they provided you with any instructions?

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Yes. My surgeon is aware of all the medications that i currently take however I'm slightly concerned because he doesn't seem to be familiar with Suboxone at all or it's effects. When it was discussed he seemed tovaguely know of it or it's indication of uses.So I'm slightly worried about that.

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So what I've done is stopped Suboxone for 2 days & just as the sx of withdrawal started, i took a small piece of Suboxone equaling about .50 mg waited about 3 hours and then took the Norco but doubled the dosage. This has seemingly be somewhat effective for me. I'm not in withdrawl and I've even taken notice that there's been pain relief. I figure that since the amount if Suboxone is so low the nalaxone being even lower, it's been helpful. However, the post operative pain is going to require some stronger meds....and that's where my concern about the S uboxones half life may cause some problems with pain management.

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I'd suggest consulting a doctor that is knowledgeable about the Suboxone, such as your treating doctor, or another one that's nearby. If your surgeon isn't familiar with it, they should be able to advise him on how best to handle this situation.

When is your surgery?

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