Using Dexona And Practin From 5 Years Side Effects (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I've been on Dexona and Practin 4mg for 5 years with continuous side effects. I used to be lean. One of my friends suggested it, who has used it for 2 months and stopped and he has some skin problems.

If i stop taking it for one day i start facing some problems.

What would be the side effects for me if i stop using this at this point? Also, what are the tests i need to take?

Currently I experience laziness, a headache sometimes, hypertension, and i feel very tense when it comes to small issues.

60 Replies (3 Pages)

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Sir iam also taking practin and dexons from 3years
Sir if i stop taking dis. Wht r the side effect i should face plz hlp me...n my age is 24....plz tell me what should I
do if i stop taking this plz plz hlp me


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Please don't use tablates without doctor permission dexona and practina it may very dangerous to our body some time it may cause TB and also Kidney problems.

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Hi sir and mam I taking dexsona fue 3years taill me what I do

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Guys plsss stop takin this medicne
N use longifene ds to increase appitite

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Amei traction and second ghora chaudi sala amei khaow bhondo kora Dita amei Roga hoya ghaci

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Yes ur right I m using from 5yrs too.and I have same problem .I try it before by some rull I stopped to eat every day only weekly 2days .now I want to tell stop bt Its verry difficult all my skin have eatching Nd headck tension sleepless that's all .but I dnt want be hopeless I m not using now but still hv so much problem .I eat good food much milk yogurt water .u must take out from ur mind that ur using medicine .u know if u think that u will never can stoop after phycological problem by that medicine I try to find bst idea for stop I will see.......Nd one thing if in ur house have aloe Vera plant u can use it when ur skeen hv start problem also lemons's all are my feeling..thanks .if u find some idea clu plz shere ..m so far now I can't do nothng here

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Dexona and ciptin barbad kar da gi jindi mat lo ya tablet

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If taken long term (more than 15 days or 1 month) Dexona and Cyproheptadine both are very dangerous to heath. You have to do required testing of "SEMEN Analysis" because of so many side effects of these medicines, one of them Male infertility. Never use these medicines without a doctor's prescription.

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I am Rajeev from ghaziabad,I have really disappointed with life. Now i don't want to be live more.due to bad effect of practin & decdan. I am facing of breathe problem oftenly after 2 day.sir pls tell me to avoid this problem.otherwise i don't have intrest in life.pls tell remedy of soon as possible

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He me in ye decdan and practin 3 year khae thi aur mujhe use chode 1 year ho gaya he sir mere face pe pimple problem ho ri he sir iska kuch solution bata ye ki iska side effect keshe khatam hoga please.

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Mai 3 month practin and dexona tablet liya Hu age 21 jab mai chod diya to vomiting and weaknesses but khana nhi pachta hai. Please help me.

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Sir,I'm using,this tablet,for 3,years,when i tried to stop,its make me sick,and I can't stop taking this tablet so call dexona,sir,please help me out,to stop this tablet.

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before I took dexona pill my weight was 54, when I was started using dexona my weight became 61. and I felt so good because to gain my weight just 6months. But as I being stop using it I feel like my weight is being down day by day. can I continue use or can I stop? please suggest me.

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Re: rohit (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

You are right brother' mera face fuula hai by taking dexona. I had taken this before 2years but swelling hai abhi thoda. Can you please tell me how to treat with this. Please brother????

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Re: younus (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Please stop taking it immediately as this drug is very dangerous. It can also affect your libido.

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Re: Kristina sarma (# 50) Expand Referenced Message

may 6 years use kya ha abhi choda dei hu some problem but i handle it

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SIR...please help me i also heard from my friend about dexona & practin..i also like to use it,is there have any problems on it,i am 24 yrs old,i am only 50 kg in weight & 5.7 in height iwould like to gain my weight & my face & hands,legs are very thin,if i have any problems if i will use it and after i will stop it...

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Sir i used dexona & mirend in two mounth i stop on few day but my stomach unwell so plz. Help me

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How many tablet u use in a day?

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u got the very big problum with ur heart ur hart muscel will be distroyed if u dont leave it so plese stop it and cunsulet to any cardiologist it is very harmfull to take it so long.hypertantion is also the cous of it.

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