Uses Of Oxetol 150 With Topiramate


My daughter got a seizure at her age of 2 years & 6 months. At that time I had hospitalized her and the doctors advised us some diagnostics for blood culture, blood test, UA, along with CTscan & EEG and they confirmed that my daughter is facing Partial Epilepsy. My daughter is now 6 years old and she is taking oxetol with topiramate from then. I have already made 12 EEG test of her and a little improvement in the report. But the doctor always confirm me that she would be cured within 3-5 years of her medication. In the meantime I have consulted with another pediatric neurologist and he told me that partial epilepsy is not completely cure-able. She have to take medicine through out her whole life. Can you please ensure me whether this partial epilepsy cure-able or not? Also please let me know whether the medication is okay or not?

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