Use Of Isoxilan Tablet


i ask my ob regarding my pregnancy,because my baby is always moving every minute and she advised me to take the isoxilan tablet....what's the effect of that tablet when i'm taking...

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Isoxilan contains the active ingredient Isoxsuprine, it is a vasodilator that is used to increase blood flow in the body. It is especially useful during pregnancy, where the baby itself can put weight on your blood vessels and may cut off or lower the blood flow.

It may cause some side effects, such as elevated heart rate, elevated blood pressure, nausea and stomach irritation.

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I am eight months pregnant, and my ob diagnosed that I have a Urinary Tract Infection, and my ob prescribed the isoxilan tablet for me..I'm scared that it might have bad side effects to my baby...i took the isoxilan tablet for 7 days(3 times a day). Will it cause any bad effects on my baby?

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Im on a 11 weeks preganant ang im using duphaston and isoxilan 3x a day to avoid contraction and prevent preterm labour.after taking that meds (i think its in isoxilan) i feel discomfort in my stomach and trigger my feeling of nausea,but its ok as long as my baby and I will be take yours meds and follow your ob.:-)

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Is it safe to be taken? Would it not affect anything to my baby? Thanks.

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I am 4 mos pregnant. Based on my latest ultrasound, focal myometrial contraction was found. I was advised by my OB to take Isoxilan 3x a day for 2 weeks. Is it safe? Please reply. Thanks,

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