Us Army Combat Veteran In Severe Chronic Pain & Needs Help
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i am a us army infantry combat veteran and served in afgahnistan, i am from pittsburgh by monroeville. i am currently being denied by the VA and every other doctor i go see. i have full body chronic pain due being blown up and shot numerous times. i have medicals records from my discharge in 2012 but my issues and gotten ALOT worse since then, my neck has budging disalligned discs, my right shoulder is torn and the scapula is dislocated, my mid/lower back in just in 24/7 agony, my thighs are in burning/tearing pain constantly idk wtf that is called, and both my knees are shot and full of arthritis and are degenerating rapidly on me, I'm 25 years old and have the body of a crippled 90 year old, some days i need a cane to walk. this is really starting to screw me cuz the few vic's i have n get from time to time don't help anymore the pain has become to bad and unmanageable, and my quality of life is no existent and on top of my pain, ptsd, anxiety,personality disorders, insomnia, nightmares, flashbacks, etc. i have just had enough and i cannot go on living like this. i refuse to kill myself and don't want to, but honestly not being able to get any professional help n being forced to the streets to find pain meds is not for me and i refuse to do it. can someone please help me and recommend some doctors i can go see who will treat me and hopefully give me scripts to ease my pain, &/or see me and then give me a referral to a clinic that will prescribe me the strong pain meds to help take my pain away. i am seriously desperate & can't take it anymore. please someone read this and help me in anyway you can, i served my country honorably and was honorably discharged, i have all my medical records from the army in my folder which is a huge stack of papers and i also have them all on a CD as well. thank you for reading this and taking you time to help me in anyway that you can.
2 Replies
the VA screwed up my paperwork, and just recently unscrewed it, but as of right now i am only approved for mental health which idk why cuz I'm a afghan vet and promised 5 years of full health care once i discharge. I'm currently waiting on my service connected disability paperwork to go through and to be seen so that i can be given a % of disability and once i do i will start receiving monthly checks based on my % & that will also entitle me to lifetime full health benefits at the VA, they are ridiculously slow though, but i am in the process of doing some things that have been suggested to me to help speed the process up and also speaking with lawyers with the DAV (disabled american veterans) organization about possible litigation with the VA/ARMY due to what they have been doing to me and putting me through and there may be a good possibility that i may be able to go after them and we all know that the government never goes to court so that means if i do and have legit reasons that they will offer me a nice sized settlement to stay out of court and to keep my mouth shut which i will gladly accept if/when they offer it to me haha. thanks for your info though i just recently went to my new PCP and basically told him str8 up & almost screamed at him but was very firm i need a ref feral to a pain clinic & YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE ME ONE RIGHT NOW SOON AS WE ARE DONE IN THIS MEDICAL EXAM ROOM, NO IF's AND's OR BUT's or there are going to be serious problems, i am a combat vet that has been injured many times and if you will not give me a small sized script of perch 10's 120count per month then you WILL GIVE ME A REFFERAL, END OF STORY. and sure enough after i chewed his ass with that a little bit and got very firm with my voice he gave in and gave me 2 referrals to 2 diff ones, although he never faxed any info to the one place and they wouldn't give me an appointment but i got one with the other place and I'm going there tomorrow actually to be seen, so hopefully all goes well and i can get a small script to help me out so that i can work properly and do my job as required and not have to depend on other ppl to pick up my slack or losing another job cuz of my pain and not being able to do my job properly cuz i just started a new foreman/supervisor job on a landscape/grass cutting crew and i started off making decent money and am only going to go up from there and get 10 days paid vacation/sick days and am the boss of the crew so my work load is a little easier and i get to use the riding mower mostly and have the other guys do all the heavy lifting/hard labor jobs even tho i do try to help as much as possible and don't slack or sham out or be lazy cuz i hated when my foreman did that to me so i don't do it to my guys.
thanks again pal, take care!
Hello, Ryan! How are you? Thank you for your service and I am very sorry that you are suffering, no one deserves that.
What I would suggest is contacting the large hospitals in the area, I know there are several nearby and most of them should have a social work department to assist people in need. They should be able to direct you to local pain management doctors and clinics that should be able to help.
Why aren't the VA doctors helping?
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