UroXatral Forums

Recently active UroXatral forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about UroXatral and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

My Dr. says I should take Uroxatral after supper. Your instructions says take after each meal? I originaly understood my Dr. to say after each meal. His nurse,days later says after supper? ## This is the first time I noticed to take 1 tablet by mouth daily after a meal. I always took it after 6:00 pm. Not observing the meal bit. ## This website does not manufacture, nor distribute any medications, it is an information only website, so it does not create, nor influence the instructions given with any medication. That said, according to the information provided by the FDA about Uroxatral, it is said that it should be taken once daily, just after a meal, being sure to take it at the same time each day. However, you should always follow your doctor's instructions, they supersede any oth...

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I had turp surgery 20 years ago. Since then I have been prescribed a variety of medications to stop me from having to get up every night between 5 and 15 times to urinate. I am presently taking uroxatral 10 mg and ayodart 0.5 mg, but they are not helping. I have seen numerous urologists with no success.


switched from flomax and after one month went back to flomax. Had very bad time with urgency from Uroxatol do not have same with Flomax. ## Does this medicine (Uroxatol) prevent an erection. dose is 10 mg ## This drug contains the active ingredient Alfuzosin, it works by relaxing the muscles in the Prostate and bladder neck, so yes, it may cause problems with your erection.

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