Unusual Levaquin Side Affects (Top voted first)


I have been on Levaquin quite a lot over the last few years due to chronic bronchitis and sinus infections. I have, in addition to, muscle and nerve pain, have had some unusual issues and wonder if they are related to the Levaquin. I have noticed my lips are somewhat swollen and burning; additionally, my vagina feels like it is on fire as well. My face itches but no rash. I have been on Levaquin, since last fall, 2 months straight of 500mg per day to clear sinus infection. Then this winter I was on it 3 times for 10 days and once again last month for 10 days. I don't think it is really helping me and I know I am having problems from it. I had nose surgery 4 years ago and contracted MRSA after it. Since then they always put me on Levaquin. What alternative are there? Also, no one ever takes a blood test, so I wonder if I have a fungus instead of a bacterial infection?

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The symptoms you've described of both oral and vaginal issues lead me to think that you might have developed a yeast infection. Many antibiotics can cause that, as a side effect, because they kill off both good and bad bacteria.

Other side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

If you do have a yeast infection, you'll need an antifungal medication to treat it. Have you had any vaginal discharge?

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Oddly enough I have had no discharge. I did use an over the counter yeast infection treatment and it did seem to help some. I wonder though about the sinus issues. I have not had the usual green and yellow mucus from my sinuses; however, what I do have is thick and white and smells. I am going to a new doctor later this week and hope to get better answers. Thank you for your comments.

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