Unprotected Sex Safe After Taking Sprintec? (Top voted first)


Hi, I just started Sprintec this week and I just took my 7th pill. Will I be protected if I have unprotected sex today (I mean without a condom)??

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Also, I just had my period this week.

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Hi Brittany,

From what I could gather, most birth control tablets can take anywhere from a week or two to a month to work as indicated. I'm also aware that this time frame varies for each individual and the type of birth control taken, but at this time I do not have any specific details on Sprintec.

Did your prescription come with any kind of user guide by chance? I only ask because this type of information should be in your prescription as from what others have mentioned.

The worst case scenario is that you have to wait as a long as a month I would imagine. Until then I would suggest continue using condoms or other means of prevention.

I hope this helps!

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