Unmarked Xanax Bars


I have seen a lot of white Xanax(?) bars that look exactly like the real thing. Some friends of mine ordered them online, they came in a script bottle! My M.D. prescribes mine, but they ARE marked. I'm worried about these bars. I won't take Anything that is not I.D'd w/ #'s or letters on the tablet. Has anyone ever seen these UNMARKED bars? I have told the people I know that have them to flush them!

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I have an unmarked Xanax bar that I am trying to verify as real.

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I recently received some supposed 2mg Xanax bars with no marking, they are the right shape and size, even scored into quarters on one side. What worries me, and hasn't before because I've never had this problem. NO NUMBERS OR IMPRINTS, AND TINY BROWN SPECS.
Anyone else get fake bars that look like this??

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My friend received a bag of 30 of those unmarked white xanax looking bars in an order of JWH. They have brown and small crystaline specks all over them and are scored into 4 segments on one side and nothing on the other right? lmk if you figure out what it is im thinking its fakes or a research chem.

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I love bars

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I figured out exactly what they are guys. blue lotus 50x extract tablets. they are like a herbal xanax and actually do work. I ate the ones i had and ordered more. try an alcoholic beverage or joint with one or 1.5 and u cant tell the difference man. dont drive on em though friend drank and took one and had a accident.

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ok they do work?? how do i get them..what site has them? i would love to try them

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I've had the fake white bars they're thinner than regular white bars and very chalky...but just came across some YELLOW bars with NO NUMBER OR LETTER AT ALL..SOME ARE SCARED ON BOTH SIDE N SOME ONLY ON ONE N IT ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE THEY WERE POURED INTO A MOLD AND DRIED NOT COMPLETE FLAT...I KNOW XANAX. I've been taking them since I was 14 and I'm 30 now...The taste is immistakable. These r too hard just a little darker and have the same weird chalky taste as the white fake ones...I've seen n had every kind of xanax except the purple ones...These kind of remind me of the green bars(which I personally can't stand...the only way they work for me is if I insufflate them and I know they're real but this I got from the pharmacy) I keep hearing about the bunk white bars n like I said I came across them but these yellow ones r freaking me out. I've taken them because like I said I got them in a batch with real ones but even in the dark as soon as I tasted it I could tell a difference. R they like buspar or something? I read something about some herbal knock offs or something? Because I've had seizures from going without my xanax too long and placebo effect isn't going to work when I'm already doubting them. Someone PLEASE HELP THIS DILEMA...

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Are the rectangular Xanax that say Xanax and has 2 on back real if the 2 is solid 2 and has nothing missing? What Imean is the 2 on the real has a space right in the middle of the 2 in picture.... please help fast!

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This site does not endorse or promote the consumption of unmarked medicine, medicine that comes in bags, or pills that do not belong to you

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