Unfair Insane Methadone Clinic Detox (Page 11) (Top voted first)


I have been a patient at compdrugs methadone clinic for 5 years. Never had dirty urines. I got 1 dirty 20 days ago and they took my dose from 185mg to 100 to nothing. 3 days. Is this legal and do I have a chance of fighting it. The doc. Dr. Alvin Pelt. is god at the clinic. Any ideas on what I can do would be welcome. Hopefully i can figure somethisg out b4 I blow my head off. Anyone out there whos gone thru a methadone withdrawal understands. Thanks all.

209 Replies (11 Pages)

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HEY BUD, i got on methadone before you were born, and have been on it , most likely , for more years then you have been alive!! i got on in Beth Israel Hospital and then sent to the Skillman Institute in Trenton NJ. I was built up to 550 milligrams of methadone and 400 milligrams of vikidan for a period of 13 months then released to a Newark clinic. Who the p[-[-[-[- are you to say what the DOCTORS did then, or should have done then?. whatever they did in the sequence they did it, it worked. Back then a very diligent and eunterpuneuring criminal perusing my little glassine envelopes, now a methadone client with a business and driving a German Luxury Car, and by the way, sonny! I have been clean no dirty UI for 40 years!!.

You & others that post here! know nothing!. On methadone for 5 years, 10 years and you think you know something about something!. The context of what i read ,it sounds as if you consider your self a expert because someone let you on a methadone program. The way i see it Not even the so called Doctors or Addiction Experts know Sh&&,All they have done is ask people like you for your opinions, they collected them formed a opinion and now they are deemed experts somewhere in some book, that some schmuck Imagine most of you here are drug addicts and criminals, such as i, however you are all talking like you are Brad Street Lawyers. You are on Methadone for 5 years and your a expert!.

Some of you think oxytocin is a drug worth taking well it is made from the same ingredients of perkaset and Percodan, two drugs i used to throw away if i found or got in a doctors bag. Here is one for ya, Cigarettes are more addictive then heroin today, that is what the experts say. After smoking lucky strike for 45 years, i put the half full pack on the mantle, where it remains today, no patch no hypnotism, no con from Doctors, no spending hundreds of dollars to stop. It is all a money scheme to bilk you to bilk Johnnies mommy out of her insurance money to put little Johnny in Rehab. To make you think you are addicted to something you can not help.
You may ask why am I still on Meth? After 50 years hundreds of stiches, plastic surgery , broken legs, ankle, pheamer, hip, arm, elbow and hand I could not exist without Methadone. If it were not for the pain relief I could/ with help get off, but would have no problem staying off considering there is no pain.

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Hey Mr. Com Nam, get a real job! seed money? you have been existing on others money since you have been on Methadone or Government substance. Now you want to help the poor like yourself, you can't get a job because of your record and the moral turpitude clause in most companys and you want the Government to give you money to help the poor Methadone client?. I don't think so I think you'r looking for a scam into the healthcare craze!KRWOEGMAJKBJMVQEJKRC

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What is better for you: Lortab, morphine, or methadone? Thank you

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It is not dangerous to your health. You will feel like s*** and wish you were dead but you will not die. Your drug addiction is dangerous to your health. You cannot die from withdrawling from methadone,. only alcohol.

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Honestly, methadone is a terrible drug...causes the same detox that any other opiate causes. You need to find a doctor that has suboxone writting privilages. It is a drug that acts as a narcotic but takes ALL and i mean ALL cravings away. I was on it for 3 years and it truly saved my life. It is somewhat expensive but what is your life worth? I took oxycontin and the withdrawl was the number one reason I continued to take it. Suboxone stopped all withdrawl symptoms and took the craving for anything away...it saved my life. Im not a big drinker or pot smoker but occasionally I will do one or the other, suboxone took the cravings for those away too. I did try to use dilaudid once on the suboxone and got zero effect. It is truly a gift from God, whoever created it was a genius. I think you should look into finding a doctor that's speciality is withdrawl through suboxone. They wean you so slow...like i said i was on it for 3 years and for some people it can be a lifelong therapy. I have never talked to anyone who has taken it that has had a bad thing to say about it..they all feel like it is a miracle drug and it is. Good luck to you...

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I am sure you signed papers when you started your maintanence program and you will have no recourse. You will not die from withdrawls even tho you will want to. They have no obligation to help you since you tested dirty. I think its funny when people screw up and want to blame someone else, or try to get them in trouble for your mistake.

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You may not have much recourse. Sadly they are not obligated to treat you or give you any more medications.

The only time treatment is obligated, under any circumstances, is in an emergency situation where the persons life is in danger and denial or medical care could cause their death.

Clearly you are not in emergency status, so this does not apply.

The only thing you can do is, if your symptoms become dangerous, you can go to your nearest emergency care facility for treatment.

How are you doing now?

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I just have a hard time feeling sorry for people who abused the drugs to get in this mess in the first place. I don't know how you got to such a high dosage but sounds a lot like my sister. She couldn't stay just on the metadone so was always having to find clean urine or masking agents. I know it is part of the addiction but as a real pain patient I know that you can try to maintain with your doc and take just what is NEEDED, or you can constantly ask for, receive more, and end up at the point no one will give you more. By this time you have lied so much, no one believes you any longer and true pain patients suffer. Most reputable clinics don't kick you to the curb, so either you cheated more then you claim or they were a clinic just out to get money and willingly gave you what you asked for. Sympathy from me, sorry no. I buried my sis due to her drug seeking behavior and can spot a lie from a mile. She was kicked out of clinics for failing, perfectly legal and went through hell, which never killed her but the dirty needles did. Go for the Suboxone if you REALLY want to get clean, but it will take all the fun out of the drugs for you, so which is it?

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185 mg per day!! Nothing but your fault for wanting and getting your dosage that high! I was on everything in the book and was never above 95. Currently I am on 60 and detoxing. I dont understand why on gods green earth you were on your program for 5 yrs and you never started a detox. At the clinic I attend, they have a policy of no one above 100 mg per day. There are over 900 on the program. As for you being kicked off for just one dirty urine screen? I have a problem believing that. Are you sure you didn't submit a POLLUTED urine sample? That will get you promptly kicked off ANY clinic. Anyone that is on a methadone program knows what a polluted urine sample is so I wont go into that. Are you up to date on payment? NO balance owing? Have you attended all your required counseling sessions? The time I have been at my clinic I have seen people try everything in the book to scam the clinic and sometimes other patients. Something just dont ring quite true about your complaint. That ladder you climbed to get to 185 mg per day? You have to go down that same ladder when it comes to getting off the methadone, or did that ever occur to you? YOU HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELF! YOU HAD 5 YRS TO DETOX. WHY DIDN'T YOU???

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