Udiliv Medicine Used For (Page 3)
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I recently got my sgpt and sgot tested... They were 135 and 75. My doctor advised me udiliv 300 twice daily. Is it the correct medicine. How long should i have this medicine before i get my tests conducted again. Can i have alcohol 2-3 times a month in this liver condition. Pls help.

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I was prescribed udiliv 150 mg because my SGPT was teseted above 300, now my medicine is finished and not available in the city, could you please prescribe any other salt

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Dear David,
Thanks a lot for the reply, though my cholestrol was normal i had an increased triglycerides and very low density protein then. I also took fenolip 145 mg once a day. i got my reports done in the first week of april and all the tests came our to be normal. I have now discontinued the medicines. can u pls suggest when should i get the tests done again.

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Do you know why your doctor prescribed you Udiliv? I only ask because it's indications don't seem to have anything to do with liver related conditions.

Udiliv contains the active ingredient Ursodiol, which is used to dissolve gallstones in patients who do not want surgery or cannot have surgery to remove gallstones. Ursodiol is also used to prevent the formation of gallstones in overweight patients who are losing weight very quickly. Ursodiol is a bile acid, a substance naturally produced by the body that is stored in the gallbladder. It works by decreasing the production of cholesterol and by dissolving the cholesterol in bile so that it cannot form stones.

NOTE: Consumption of alcohol with any type of liver condition can be very damaging to your body. You would inevitably be hurting yourself just by having it in general.

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my lft shows elevated alt(sgpt) enzymes in blood which is 49 normal 40 iu/lit and also have an inflammed liver problem.doctor prescribed to take udiliv 300,twice daily,and razo-d once daily.but my health is not improving after taking it for 12 days.am i getting the right treatment for reducing the infalmmed liver & alt(sgpt).plz help me.

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