Tucks Forums
Recently active Tucks forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Tucks and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Tramadol HCL (50MG) Hello My name is Ana, I'm having a lot of pain in my bu-tuck when i sit down and get ready to get up the pain is so intense that i don't know what to do. My doctor prescribe Tramadol HCL (50MG) I believe he should send me for an MRI but in stead he send me for x tray. He said that the x tray show artrides in my back, my back does not hurt me is my butucks ## Hello, Ana! Sorry about the pain you're in. However, your doctor does know what he's doing and he did the right thing by ordering the x-ray. Due to the layout of nerves in our bodies, pain can radiate. Thus, there's a very good chance that it could be due to arthritis starting in your spine, but you may feel pain in your buttocks. Basically, your nerves stem from one central location, which is...