Tubersol Forums
Recently active Tubersol forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Tubersol and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I don't know where the lot number is on the bottle. I am trying to find it. ## Hi Andrea, The following link by NIH has a detailed image of the product packaging (from 2013) for Turbersol that may offer some clues as to what the lot number is and where you might find it: Looking at the example packaging on that page, there are several sets of numbers / letters on the "box" (not bottle) depicting a reference to something… the one's I noticed immediately were written out as follows (but each in a different place on the box): 2028821 299 (L) C00L0T Barcode: 349281752216 0000000-299 I question whether the '(L)' may be referring to a lot number, seeing as it also says "L0T...