Trump Followers Confidence Level For Healthcare Changes
UpdatedHello All,
Well for those who have advocated for a return to for profit medicine while blasting everything that related to the former POTUS and so called Obamacare. I'm just curious to how you interpret the changes to come? I have failed to notice posts from these once vocal supporters and his promise to change the healthcare system for the better. If you are out there I'm curious how you feel today.
16 Replies
Unfortunately, America has always had a 'for profit' medical system, which you can read about under various U.S. FDA and NIH guidelines. Obamacare, otherwise known as the Affordable Care Act, did not change that, all it did was make it so that everyone was entitled to medical coverage, regardless of preexisting conditions, income, and other factors.
For instance, in the past, someone like myself that has had a heart condition for over 6 years could previously have been denied coverage for anything related to my heart condition, due to the fact that I was diagnosed with it, before obtaining coverage from my current insurance company. Though my husband has insurance through his employer, before ACA, it would not have covered any conditions either of us were already known to have, regardless of any premiums we paid.
The Affordable Care Act mandated that they all cover preexisting conditions, regardless of their severity, a person's income level, or lifestyle, and that health insurance companies offer some policies on a sliding fee scale, so those with very low incomes paid lower rates for coverage, and in some cases, they were covered for free. Children could also remain covered under their parent's policies, until they were 26.
But ACA did not stop anyone from making a profit, including profits related to pharmaceuticals.
What the new government administration is trying to change are things such as the coverage for preexisting conditions, the mandate that everyone have some type of insurance or pay a fine, if they don't have it, and other relevant factors, such as doing away with coverage for abortions, and birth control.
But sadly, as I've stated, our healthcare system has always been a 'for profit' system, even before Obamacare came into being and will most likely remain so for many years to come, regardless of who sits at the desk in the Oval Office.
In other words, insurance companies, doctor's, hospitals, pharmacies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and any others that I've forgotten to mention were still allowed to make a profit, all they had to do was raise the rates they charged on their policies, doctor's visits, ER visits, medications, and other things medically related.
For example, my mother-in-law, and several people that have posted on here, have Medicare policies and, in spite of having coverage, they have seen the amount they have to pay out of pocket for some medications increase by over 4 to 5 times. There is an inhaler that my MIL has to use regularly, to prevent asthma and other breathing issues, that has gone from costing her $45 a month to costing over $200 a month, even with her Medicare.
And now, the current administration wants to do away with the ACA, plus make cuts to Medicaid, and I fear they will most likely make changes to Medicare and other benefits, as well. Thus, someone like me, whose husband pays a premium for my coverage, which is deducted from his paycheck bimonthly, could end up being dropped by our insurer, since my medical condition would actually be considered preexisting... and he could also be dropped, even though his employer pays his premium, because he also has preexisting issues... or if they keep us on, they can still make money off of covering us, but not have to cover these preexisting conditions. (If you are curious, I am self-employed, which is why I did not have coverage prior to getting married and policies under the ACA would have cost about the same as enrolling under my husband's policy through his employer.)
But, my biggest fear is for those who supported this, but failed to see that they may lose benefits, such as Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, and etc. I know several people that live on welfare, disability, and state medical coverage who voted for this and never understood that they may lose the little bit they have, including medical coverage....or perhaps they did understand, but never took it seriously, it is hard to say. It seems that some may have screwed things up for themselves, as well as for the rest of us.
Does anyone else have an opinion this matter?
I'm feeling pretty good about it!! It will take some time to work out the bugs, but I believe the new administration, actually the new POTUS as he is bi-partisan and will work for us and our collective best needs in the US.
He has stated he likes many aspects of the ACA, like covering pre-existing conditions and continuing healthcare for students. I don't know about others, but since the inception of the ACA, the past 2 years have been the worst and I'm sure Obama knew it would finally hit the fan about the time he left office. My premiums have gone up nearly 100%, higher co-pays and less coverage???
Yes I am happy to see the ACA get revamped by President Trump!!
We were paying $734 monthly with 2500 deductible...ACA came and we instantly went to $1364 monthly ...deductible $10000. that is our story. My children have health insurance that is more than their house payment. Yes medical care is for profit but years ago health insurance was not for profit...Blame Nixon...Trump is negotiating with the pharmaceutical companies...critical ...Husband had rx under private health insurance took $5. out of he can't have it with our medicare supplement as it is $3000 to $4500 out of joke . Your loved one should not be used as $$$...
I personally hope that this new administration can maintain some of the coverage and benefits for those who could not get coverage before ... but I feel that there is serious need for reform. First, with those drug prices. I read that pres Trump is going to force big pharma to start lowering their prices to federal government bids. Second, I do hope that some slack will be taken off the middle class. My premium has gone up by over 60% in the last few years and for what? Less coverage. Whatever solution was put in place through the ACA has definitely been a thorn in my side since we are paying a stupid amount for health coverage ... and that does not include deductible or max out of pocket costs! In 2015 my wife and I had a baby. I calculated the total cost of our monthly insurance premiums plus the out of pocket and deductible costs for the year ... and it came out to about $20,000!! And I'm sure there are others who made out far worse than us! Just ridiculous!
Too early to be making any opinions--would only be guessing at this time. Just know that 'Obamacare" is just getting more and more expensive as the years go by, so somethings gotta go.
The letter from Sheila pretty much tells it all for working people. Problem with socialism is sooner than later there is nobody left to bleed more money from.
To AmericaFirst-
Regarding well 'Obamacare' sucked - unless you had a pre-existing condition that Didn't $$ out the censoring self here out the a@@ & in most states that is just not the case!
If you are the "Average Joe" it might work & be affordable. However, most ppl I talked to- were paying almost $400 more a month with it & if they Didn't get it- you are fined monthly until you are. Now the House while Obama was still President voted got rid of pre-existing conditions- they started the repeal.- Trump [President -Elect at that time did say on more than ONE OCCASION first w/Diane Sawyer w/the new Health plan he does want to include pre-existing conditions & for children living at home until the age of 26. GO ahead find the interview and rewatch it. The other thing he wants is the country as a whole to have the same rates. So what happens is they compete for you as a client causing the rates to come down monthly! Which is what foreign countries with successful health care systems do with patients. Allowing for pre-existing conditions & and kids under 26 under the same roof to be on your policies.
IKR! That was Obamacare.. Affordable what?! Insurance was more affordable before it! And if you didn't get it.. They fined you $200/mo until you did get it!
I think we should become like Canada everyone gets free Heath care it is a basic necessities everyone should have health care whether they can afford it or not. I have hep c which I got from a tattoo needle in jail. The med I need is called Harvoni. It is $120.00 for 90 pills. That's what a for profit health care system does. I have been denied treatment 3 times now by my insurance company. They said they won't cover it till I have stage 3 liver fibro score (basically almost dead). It's a joke!
Thanks guys I appreciate you all taking the time to reply
Sorry man, no offense, but I don't think I need to pay for your jailhouse tattoo incident?
I agree with you! Getting a tattoo in jail and all you got Hep C?! Have to say that is some parting gift that keeps giving but come on!! That was YOUR BONEHEAD idea!! Did you really think that would be the safest and wisest thing to do? Your lucky you didn't get AIDS! Considering that was a possibility! Smh
Neal, I hear you- "O-bumma-care" (my name for it) or the "Affordable Care Act" sounded so good at first! However, the people I talked to ALL had to pay MORE for their insurance & get less care, as well as A LOT of their Drs moved off their HMO plans & if you needed a referral it took more time to get a denial & more drugs are not covered. Forcing ppl to pay even more $$ so I do not see what was so great. The house voting off pre-existing conditions occurred while Obama was in office NOT Trump! Still trying to figure out how they were able to do that one! Isn't the POTUS suppose to OK it first before the house votes? #ThingsThatMakeYouSayHmmm
I refuse to affiliate with either party until we mandate a federal crime for elected politicians to accept money from any special interest groups or providers for government programs. This is a huge problem and the reasons that prices for drugs and insurance have sky rocketed. Elected officials have their exclusive retirement program and insurance package. As a result they have no interest in protecting the programs that we elected them to protect.
I totally agree but until some semblance of sanity returns to all constituents this will never happen. How many unenlightened voters continue to vote down party lines "because that's what their families and kin have done forever" to me that just smacks in the face of any common sense.As for anyone with the temerity to seek consideration for something as mind numbingly ignorant as a jailhouse tattoo well there are no words for that level of entitlement disorder. Anyhow so it goes.....
Insurance will cost more and there won't be as many choices. More people will be without health care. Those that voted for the change don't believe that. But, they will find out soon enough.
The IRS is no longer checking returns for health care. Some of the Executive Orders the President signed right after he took office give Agency Heads broad power..
I have put links to Options they are looking at for Social Security. One of the options is ending SSI for disabled children. Personally, I think the criteria needs to be tighter for the class. But, eliminating it would hurt a lot of families and children.
You are correct about social programs like food stamps.
The things this Administration are doing and will do are not going to turn out like they said they would and like supporters think they should. At least those of us that are aware of this can help prepare those that will be severely impacted.
Options for Reducing the Deficit: 2017 to 2026-
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