Trimox Forums

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I'm trying to find out about a two toned capsule (pink and burgundy colored) with the word Bristol and the number 7278 on both parts of the capsule. What is this drug used for? ## It's my mother pill (81)and I 'm trying to find out what it is for ## Sandoz Pharmaceuticals lists this as being a 250 Trimox tablet, which is an antibiotic that is used to treat, or prevent various types of bacterial infections. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash, diarrhea, and headache. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Capsules which are maroon on one side and a very light pink (almost white) on the other. Writing inscribed on each side Bristol 7279. ## I found these pills in an old medicine cabnet. I think they are antibiotics, but I'm not sure. What are they. I can't remember when/if they were prescribed to me. ## What is this drug for? Is it an antibiotic? Also, for what kind of illness or infection? ## This is Trimox 500mgs manufactured by Sandoz. Active ingredient is Amoxicillin, this is an antibiotic, it has a broad range of use to treat infections. Like skin, respiratory, ear, sinus, urinary and etc.

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