Trigeminal Neuralgia Questions
UpdatedI was diagnosed with TN a month ago and the pain is unbearable .When it first happened I thought i had a bad tooth but more in the jaw then the tooth and the it went more to my face then forehead this freaked me out so I called the hospital and they told me to come in and they ended up keeping me for 4 days. Then the cycle began, they gave me pain medication and gabapentin and sent me home. Well every 3 or 4 days the pain would flair WAY up and I would end up in the ER where they would give me a IV injection on dilaudid and the pain would come way down from a 10+ to a 1 or 2,This same dilaudid in oral form does not seem to do any thing for the pain. My Dr has tried other pain meds but nothing oral will touch the pain when it flairs . I have taken 6 - 2mg tabs at one time and felt nothing..Does any one know of a oral pain med that has been able to manage their pain when it flairs up??
2 Replies
Have you tried the Fentanyl pain patch? It's a very potent narcotic that is over 80 times stronger than Morphine and each patch is usually worn for 3 days, then replaced.
If nothing else is working, when you take it orally, you may get better results from taking something regularly and being in preventative mode. Almost all analgesics work much better if taken regularly, in this manner.
They can provide some relief, once you are in pain, but they are most effective when used as I've already mentioned.
Does anyone else have any suggestions?
Carbamazapine is often the first drug tried. (Also called Tegretol) Next is Neurontin/Gabapentin. Topomax and Dilantin are also used as are Amitriptylene and as an add on Baclofen. I use amitriptylene and Lamotrigine. Opiates aren't usually any good for TN and the usual treatments are with anti-convulsants though some people do use opiates; everyone responds differently.
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