Triamcinolone Cream And Sun Exposure


I use triamcinolone acetonide cream usp 0.1 % for my psoriasis. I just want to know when I use it if I can go outside and take in some direct sun on the beach or is it necessary that I remove the product from my body before going out?

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Since it is absorbed into the skin, you actually can't remove it and its effects on sun sensitivity will remain as long as you continue using it.

It is best to avoid prolonged sun exposure, but if you have to go out in it, then make sure to use a stronger sunscreen than usual and drink extra water, as long as it is safe for you to do so, to avoid dehydration.

Such medications tend to make you much more sensitive to the sun and heat, so not being cautious can create the risk of your burring faster and developing heat stroke or dehydration sooner than normal.

Ref: MedlinePlus
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I use triamcinolone acetonide as an after shave on my face and my wife on her legs and bikini area.

This stuff is AMAZING!!!!

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