Tri Sprintec Vs Tri-previfem
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I had one pill left in my pack of tri-sprintec that I took on Sunday but when I picked my new pack up on Monday they switched me to tri-previfem. Is it ok to take evn though I took a different brand Sunday?
5 Replies
I've been on Tri Sprintec for a decade, and I love it. I've never experienced a single side effect. Over the last year, it's apparently been difficult to get and my pharmacy has substituted Previfem when necessary. It leaves me exhausted, breaking out, bloated, I've gained weight, and with cramping at all times. I essentially feel as though I have my period the entire time I'm on this pill. Within a week of going back on Tri Sprintec, I'm myself again. This month my pharmacy substituted with Previfem, and I am hoping and praying that I get my Tri Sprintec back with my next visit.
I was on tri-Sprintec when my pharmacy switched me to tri-previfem. I hated it!!! After 4 months I called my pharmacy and told them that I've had 10 day periods and severe mood swings. Thank goodness they ordered my tri-Sprintec!
Now that I'm on triprevifem I have been puffiness around my eyes. Is this a side effect?
Hi Max,
Because both brands contain the same active ingredients, in my opinion it should be just fine to take the other set of pills.
When you switch brand names or manufacturers the drug itself doesn't change, but rather the binders or fillers that they put with it.
However I do want to mention that certain "inactive" ingredients which may or may not be present in each brand, are actually detrimental to how the drug is metabolized and used by your body. So it's possible that you may respond favorably with one medication and not the other (even if they are the same drug); mostly due to how you feel or based on whatever side effects present themselves.
I hope this info helps!
Yes, they are exactly the same, the Tri=Previfem is just a generic for the Tri-Sprintec.
Learn more oral contraceptive details here.
If you check the ingredient labels, you should see that they are identical in the amounts.
Is there anything else I can help you with?
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