Trepiline With Urbanol


Can I take Trepiline with Urbanol? Will it keep me awake or will I be able to sleep? I don't take Trepiline. I use to for neck spasms, but it stopped and after a long time it's back. Can I combine 1 Trepiline and 1 Urbanol? I just don't want it to clash, then I cant sleep. Please advise.

6 Replies

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Can I use trepiline with urbanol?

Was this helpful? 13

Can urbonal and trepiline be taken together?

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I normally take one tripiline at night. I have already taken an urbanol due to a trauma. Would it be better to take a sleeping tablet and not take my usual trepilene?

Was this helpful? 56

Re: Marietjie (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Can i take urbanol and tripiline together?

Was this helpful? 4

Are Trepiline and Urbanol the same thing?

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Re: Alison (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Can I take trepilene with urbanol?

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