Trental Forums
Recently active Trental forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Trental and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.My bp ranges between 120-135 n 80-95... My pulse rate is between 90 n 110. I used to take seloken XL50 mg.. now doctor Has shifted me to Telma 40 mg. Along with this I also take trental 400mg, neurokind n shelcal 500mg... can u please tell me the effects it will hv on me... ## Trental increase your blood circulation to prevent any time of ischemia
1 REPLY UpdatedI have MS and lymphedema. My leg doctor put me on trental 400mg 3x/day then my neurologist put me on Ampyra. Do they both do the same thing... Dilate the blood vessels in the legs? I can't get a yes or no answer. ## Hello, Elaine! How are you? Trental improves blood flow, but Ampyra improves walking ability and speed, as reported by the FDA. Side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia and blurred vision. Have you had any improvement from taking them? ## Thank you for answering. Yes, it helps. My concern is the information I got from ampyra with my first supply said it helps with walking speed, but they are not sure how! If it is in fact from better blood flow then I don't want to take too much. ## My last post substituted Ampyra with amputated. Sorry ...
3 REPLIES UpdatedHave been getting swelling in my right leg, between knee and ankle ,my BP was 170/100 , was taking Envas 5 ,1tab daily. Doctor changed Envas 5 to Tazloc -H with multi vitamin-mineral tab .Took this combination for ten days -diuretic resulted in frequent urination and leg swelling did not decrease ,but BP dropped to 150/90. Now doctor has changed prescription to : 1.Eritel-CH40 (1tab daily), 2.Trental 400(1tab thrice daily) ,& 3.multivitamin with minerals. ## My father, age 85, was taking Hipril A for BP, he had heavy swelling on legs, before 25 days, Hipril A was stopped & Eritel CH 40 is started, withi few days swelling reduced but he is suffering very badly with leg pain, back pain , cannot stand for 5 minutes, cannot walk more than 12 steps.taken all reports, seems normal.......
4 REPLIES Updatedi was on approvel and trental but my blood pressure was out of control due to lack to sleep in my view. i was prescrived combezide-L and it seems to be working as my pressure is down to 120/85. Will I have any side effects to have changed from approvel and trental? ## Combezide-L is listed as containing Resperine and Lisinopril, from the resources I've found, it's used to treat high blood pressure and cardiac conditions. A sudden switch can sometimes cause some rebound effects, which means after 10 to 14 days, you may experience several days of elevated blood pressure and heart rate. Usually, the new medications keep it from hitting dangerous levels, but you should know to watch for the warning signs and seek medical attention, if they occur. These may include nausea, severe diz...
1 REPLY Updated