Trazodone Melatonin
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My doctor just suggested since my trazodone isn't working anymore and causing weird dreams to nightmares that I try melatonin. I don't know much about melatonin and if it works. I have no idea on what dosage I should try and if it interacts with any of my other meds.

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Before purchasing your Melatonin check out the website "CONSUMER LAB". It rates all the supplements–vis-à-vis purity–on the market.

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Try Temazepan..makes you hungry at bedtime but works better than Trazodone..Temazepan is Valium w/o opiates. For me has dedfinately been non-habit forming for 18 years.

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I suffer from really bad insomnia I been taking lunesta for about 15 years and I took trazadone also as a add on. I was able to sleep through the night with those two medicines. When me and wife started dating I would kick and punch her through out the night when she came pregnant. I had to figure out why I was so active during my sleep so I tried stopping trazadone and with on 3 nights I was no longer kicking and punching but in turn I would wake up many times through the night. So I take amitriptyline and seroquel plus many other medication. I take narcotic pain medication which I take around a clock medication and when I take at night it causes me it to wake up many times through the night so when I don't take it. It cause my restless legs to act up. So I take 6 to 8 lotmotil which causes me to sleep better but the trazadone was the best sleep I can get. So what to do take my pain medication at bed so I can be in less pain but then I can't sleep that good or take the lotmotil and sleep better but wake up in the morning or middle of the night in severe pain. So we have a king size bed but my 5 years old daughter sleeps in the bed with me and wife so I can't trazadone no more or if I do I have to sleep on the couch. Then when my wife goes to work at 5 am my daughter will not sleep by herself so she will come out to the couch so only way I can take it when my wife has a day off.

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Hello, Sunshine! How are you?

The dosage is generally anywhere from 1 to 3mgs a night, so if your doctor approves, you may want to start low and see what works for you.

What other medications do you take? If you can post back with this information, I can check for interactions or problems for you.

The FDA classifies Melatonin as a supplement and it's only known side effect is drowsiness.

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