Trazodone 50mg- What Does It Look Like? (Top voted first)
UpdatedPlease let me know what a 50 mg pill of Trazodone looks like. I just picked up a refill and the pills are different than before. I can't sleep and I'm wondering if it's the wrong pill.
I have the same complaint. The old Trazodone was a round white splitable pill with PLIVA 433 on the other side. The latest prescription is an oval white pill , no split line, with PLIVA 616 on the back side. Neither were generic & both are 50 mg. These new ones do absolutely nothing, I used to only take 1/2 of the round ones & got right to sleep. What's the deal?
Oops, it wasn't all supposed to be in bold, but oh well, it needs to draw you attention anyway.
Now, as to why some generics do differ, there is a good reason for that, I do not feel like typing it all in again though, so I am just going to past in the post, with info, from a different site, where I already made a post about this issue to inform others about it:
Some people have disagreed with me when I explained about the 20% plus or minus difference that the FDA allows for generic drugs, some have insisted this was only for the inactive ingredients. So I have done some more research on this subject, and NO! the 20% difference IS NOT just limited to the inactive ingredients.
***Are There Any Differences Between Generics and Brand-Name Drugs? should be noted that current regulations permit a variation of up to 20% either way in the bioavailability of the active ingredient. (See this Food and Drug Law Institute overview of the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1999.) In one study (Borgheini 2003), a 31% variation was found in the blood plasma levels of a particular medication after a patient switched from a branded to a generic product. (Why does this happen? It may be accounted for by differences in the manufacturing process yielding different particle sizes that are absorbed at different rates, as well as other factors.) ***
So yes, this gives them a leeway of 40% on manufacturing these drugs, they can be significantly different than their name brand counterparts, and in some cases the effect can mean a drug doesn't work at all, or may have too much of the active ingredient, resulting in serious effects or even fatalities!
For some of you, I know this will be a relief as you can now know for sure that if a generic seems to work different, it is not all in your head. Simply said, poor quality control and poor testing, means poorly made drugs from some companies.
my trazodone does not look the same these pills are bigger and have plvia 433 wrote on them i just got it yesterday and have not taken any yet can i see a pic of one please. i hop im not taking a suger pill i need it i cant sleep a bit..... let me know asap
I'm having the same problem with
m on one side and 2 on other
Is the M in a box? Or is it just an M by itself?
pliva 433
It is a round pill with a slit /line down the back side of the pill.
Thank you and help!!
i have the same complaint. the old trazodone was a round white splitable pill with pliva 433 on the other side. the latest prescription is an oval white pill , no split line, with pliva 616 on the back side. neither were generic & both are 50 mg. these new ones do absolutely nothing, i used to only take 1/2 of the round ones & got right to sleep. what's the deal? ...
You really need to read this!
If your prescription was supposed to be for Trazadone, the antidepressant, then your pharmacy has given you the wrong med!!
Pliva 616 IS NOT Trazadone, so that is why it is not working like it should.
You should run to your pharmacy and make them fix the error, apparently they either misread what was in the computer, or if you had taken in a new scrip, they misread your doctors handwriting.
Pills marked Pliva 616 are not Trazadone at all, not even a related drug. Pliva 616 is Tramadol 50mgs. This is a generic version of the non-narcotic analgesic Ultram! A very, very mild pain reliever, so it is not even in the same drug class as Trazadone.
Trazadone is a generic for Desyrel, and your understanding of the first med was incorrect anyway, your Pliva 433 was also a generic of it, the only name brand available is sold under the name Desyrel. But Pliva 433 is a 50mg Trazadone tablet.
So if you were supposed to have the antidepressant Trazadone here, and not a new scrip for Tramadol, your pharmacy has made a very, very serious error, and you need to take the bottle back and show them that, and make them fix it right away. Can you imagine, if you were allergic to a med, how dangerous such a mistake like this could be?
So you most definitely, and I checked several databases to verify this, DO NOT have a bottle of Trazadone 50mgs, as I said, what they gave you is Tramadol and entirely different med.
Yes, Trazadone will help you sleep, Tramadol will not help with that at all.
Verwon----------- Oh yeah, you were so right! The pharmacy couldn't apologize enough, than you so much. You are terrific!
You are very, very welcome. I am glad I could help.
You were right when you said it wasn't working like your old Trazadone, and there was a good reason for it.
I am just glad you weren't allergic to the Tramadol, that could be a disastrous mistake if you were allergic or sensitive to it.
I am glad you got it all straightened out. Have an awesome day!
While I know there is ongoing debate over the 20% issue, there is one pharmacutical company whose generics (active ingrediants) consistantly test out -15% 20%. While this is annoying at best with pain meds, this could be terribly dangerous when dealing with other types of medication.
The only real debate over the 20% issue, is among doctor's, scientists and etc. who try to say that the 20% is not a significant enough difference to worry about. However, with some meds, that difference can make significant problems in that med being able to help somebody. There are many meds, that are strictly regulated and precisely calculated to provide the best results, such as Coumadin or other blood thinners, so if someone is taking say a 5mg tablet, and that 20% is towards the negative side, so they are really only getting the equivelent of a 3mg tablet, this can cause serious problems. And this is just one example.
If you want more details of this law and the FDA procedures and reasoning for it, you can view the link I included above, or do some searching at their site, or pharmaceutical research sites, but skip the consumer info, they never put it in there, because you doctor or pharmacist is actually not allowed to tell you that, regardless of the circumstances, or they risk being sanctioned and possibly losing their license, so they really don't want consumers to know this, so it is only in the text of the law and the professional articles.
I just got a refill on my trazadone and it doesnt look or help like it use to. The old prescription was for
Tazadon 150mg Tab pliva. now the new prescription is for trazadone 150mg tab leg. on one side of the pill it say 50 50 50. on the other side it says APOon the left then a line down the middle and then T150. they are thin off-white pill.
Please tell me what these are . They are not working.
I received Apotex 50 mg (APO/T50 on the pill) and found they didn't work at all. Called the mnaufacturer (Apotex) and got queer results (they wanted to come to my HOUSE to pick up the rest of the tabs!!!), so I called the FDA and filed a medwatch report. Medwatch reports can be found by googling MedWatch Online Voluntary Reporting Form (3500). I haven't heard back, but I switched back to Pliva anyway. Take your prescription to Wal-mart and they can refill it with Pliva for $4.00. Or Walgreens. Or PAY FOR IT YOURSELF. It can be done.
My prescription changed to a larger pill that says 433 what looks like pliva. Can't sleep & does not help me at all. What's going on?
Mary, my prescription changed recently to Pliva and I can't sleep either. I can't remember the maker of the ones my pharmacy used to dispense, but there seems to be a big difference for me in how my nights go.
I'm going to stop by and see if there's anything they can do (like order the old brand especially for me).
Used Trazadone 50mg for years with great sleep until my last refill haven't slept well on my new version of Trazadone- Mylan Pharm MX 71. Just borrowed my sister's Trazadone-different manufacturer, and slept great again. Medco doles out whatever they want. What recourse do I have?
A family membr of mine aged 24 was given trazadone 50mg 1 four times a day instead of tramadol. she had 56 which lasted approx 2 weeks. some days she would take 4 others maybe upto 8... basically different doses each day as it wasnt helping witthe pain. She took all 56 over two weeks. i wanted to ask if tramadol could have contributed to her mental illness as se wasput into a mental institute 6 months after but had been showings signs after abruptly stopping trazadone.also whilst taking trazadone for 2 weeks she couldnt get ut of bed and also passed out out one time. could u give me more information on abrubptly starting and stopping trazdne and taking diferent amouts day to day? she is now on abifly cipralex and diazepam, would u say trazadone could have caused this?
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