Trazadone Weight Gain


My name is Sue, & I myself have taken Trazadone. It belongs to the Benzodiazapan family. It didn't make me lose weight, quite the opposite. In 11 months I have gained a total of 85 lbs. I went to the doctor & he told me to quit eating & exercise. So I felt that I could trust what he said because hes a DR. Finally I went to a different Dr. & he prescribed me Effexor XR and ever since, (27 days ago) I have lost 14 lbs. I'm no Dr. but it worked for me so ask your Dr. about it.

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sue, thanks for the posting i was wondering if it could be keeping me from losing weight. actually they have me on it to help me sleep at night. they had be on doxipin before didnt loose weight for a whole year and craved sweets and this was shortly after my gastric bypass then i read the side affects they said will make you retain your weight and c rave sweets they took me off and i starting dropping the weight. thanks again. lanay

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will valium or diazapan cause weught gain?

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trazadone is not a benzo; it is an older tricyclic

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(trazodone hydrochloride) is an antidepressant chemically unrelated to tricyclic, tetracyclic, or other known antidepressant agents. Trazodone hydrochloride is a triazolopyridine derivative. From pharmaceutical information. It acsd though stimulation of 5-HT(2C) receptors

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