Tramadol Vs Norco


I have had my C-6 and 7 fused years ago and had pain releif from that. My symptom prior to rupture was dull pain in left scapula. After rupture, immense pain in scapula, left arm and numb index finger and thumb in left hand. After surgery, pain in back was gone and still had tingling and occasionally tip of left index finger went numb. Within this last year, my pain in scapula has returned and MRI shows moderate bulge in C-5 now. The pain was managed w 1 350mg Vicodin that I took when I got home from work at the end of day and naproxen while at work. I have been released by neurosurgeon to my primary. I have since been to neurologist for nerve conduction study to find that no nerve currently being pinched. They did however, discover that I have permanent nerve damage. I asked Dr. if I could go up to 2 Vicodin now knowing that my pain is real and not me being weak. She has switched me over to 1, 50mg tramadol bid. This was nice for the first week or two but not helping most days now. I am going back in today to talk w her and would like to switch over to norco seeing that it has worked wonderfully in the past and has less aspirin in it and more pain relief. Asking for this makes me feel like I'm becoming some kind of addict and feel guilty for even asking. Does this seem like an unreasonable request? I'm wondering if she put me on tramadol because this is safer long term? Can I be on norco long term?

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First of all, there is no Aspirin in the Norco, it contains Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen, just like the Vicodin.

In case you aren't very familiar with it, you can learn more Norco details here that should help.

And no, it really isn't unreasonable to want something that is more effective at treating your pain. However, there could be a problem if you ask for a specific medication outright, because most doctors are trained to see that as drug seeking behavior.

Thus, what you really need to do is get into a discussion about the Tramadol not being effective for you, so you get into what your other options are and then you can discuss what has and hasn't worked for you in the past.

Now, if you're seeing a general practitioner, the reason you were likely given Tramadol is because it's one of the few that they can prescribe now for long-term pain management. If you're going to need something such as Norco/Vicodin for long-term use, you'll most likely need to switch to a pain management specialist, due to the new laws that went into effect this year.

Are there any other questions I can help with?

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Hi. I recently broke my colarbone(calavical?) Im on CenCal right now, and am pretty much out of all other options and have no choice but to be seen by my local CHC. About a week ago, I had my accident and fell from a tree trimming branches of a height of 20 ft. (I measured it the next day) landing head first. I banged my rist up pretty good too.
So I go to the Hospital and get two scrips, Ibprophen and Norco. The Norcos had a lable that read "1/2 - 2 pills every Four hours as needed..." I already take Diladid for my back...pills my wifes grandmother gives her because she's perscribed tons of these things. Well I had a a follow up appointment today at the CHC and after having a rather decent conversation about what he had planned, I left the office thinking I was perscribed Tylenol3's or something and a figure 8 brace. They recomend the closest pharmacy and i left.
I get to the pharmacy, and they tell me they dont carry the brace, and that their isnt any perscription that the doctor perscribed??? Soooo,, i call the chc and they tell me i got some norcos filled six days ago for 30 pills and they gave me a script One Norco every six hours. I tell them what was really on the lable and they tell me Ive been taking too many Norcos. Ok...ive been taking 40 mgs a time three times a day about of the dilaudids that no one knows about but me my girl and her grandma...get real! But yea so they say i got shorted 15 pills and that i should just call the pharmasy and ask why...telling me also that the doctor cant perscribe a thing. I call the pharmacy and they say i never got anything filled besides the Norcos i got from the E.R. Doctor the 1/2 -2 every four hours and that it was only for 30??? I ask the pharmacy lady to call the chc to sort this all out and she agrees to because she sees that i am in legitimate pain and she knows me.
Long story short...i end up getting a script for Tramadol Amnea ( thats what the lable Is this kind of thing going on everywhere? Or is it just this area? My girl gets the run around too all the time...i just don't understand it i guess?!

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Hi. I recently broke my colarbone(calavical?) Im on CenCal right now, and am pretty much out of all other options and have no choice but to be seen by my local CHC. About a week ago, I had my accident and fell from a tree trimming branches of a height of 20 ft. (I measured it the next day) landing head first. I banged my rist up pretty good too. So I go to the Hospital and get two scrips, Ibprophen and Norco. The Norcos had a lable that read "1/2 - 2 pills every Four hours as needed..." I already take Diladid for my back...pills my wifes grandmother gives her because she's perscribed tons of these things. Well I had a a follow up appointment today at the CHC and after having a rather decent conversation about what he had planned, I left the office thinking I was perscribed Tylenol3's or something and a figure 8 brace. They recomend the closest pharmacy and i left. I get to the pharmacy, and they tell me they dont carry the brace, and that their isnt any perscription that the doctor perscribed??? Soooo,, i call the chc and they tell me i got some norcos filled six days ago for 30 pills and they gave me a script One Norco every six hours. I tell them what was really on the lable and they tell me Ive been taking too many Norcos. Ok...ive been taking 40 mgs a time three times a day about of the dilaudids that no one knows about but me my girl and her grandma...get real! But yea so they say i got shorted 15 pills and that i should just call the pharmasy and ask why...telling me also that the doctor cant perscribe a thing. I call the pharmacy and they say i never got anything filled besides the Norcos i got from the E.R. Doctor the 1/2 -2 every four hours and that it was only for 30??? I ask the pharmacy lady to call the chc to sort this all out and she agrees to because she sees that i am in legitimate pain and she knows me. Long story short...i end up getting a script for Tramadol Amnea ( thats what the lable Is this kind of thing going on everywhere? Or is it just this area? My girl gets the run around too all the time...i just don't understand it i guess?!

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Tramadol vs norco. Ive been through the exact same thing, and the reason the dr gave you tramodol after norco is as you prob know norco is hydrocodone and even thougj it is helping now they dnt want to give it for cronic pain cuz after a while you will need more. Now tramodal is a narcodic but instead of hooking on like 4 resporters tramodol hookes on like 2 (thats basiccaly how it works) so drs will give tramodol instead of hydrocodone for cronic pain.

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Is it ok to alternate norcos and percocets 10 mg. I take norcos 10mg and percocet 10mg.

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Well ive got exp. In that. Norco is hydrocodone and tramadol is not but for mild pain tramadol will help ok and you should have no prob. Getting it long term you just mite have to use kind of over the counter pain relief. Believe it or not wat works for me is to switch back and forth from regular aspirin and ibuprofen. Just use heat,stretching and try not to get constipated . Tjats the best way long term i know

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Yes i believe at two vicodin #10 a day you can be on it for long term cuz at 2 a day you wont get used or addicted to them. But you mite want to take a antiinflamitory med also it will help the pain meds work. And also take masseve fiber and water so you dnt get constipated cuz that will give pain. If you have a good careing pc you will have no prob. Plus you will have to follow protocall (contract) with them.

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