Tramadol 'rare' Side Effects
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My opinion is stay the hell away from this drug. I took it for less than a week for severe back pain. I experienced the following, all of which indicate a deadly allergic reaction and are supposed to be rare:
-extreme swelling of the tongue to the point where my teeth were cutting into it;
-trouble sleeping/night terrors;
-constant itching at night that was affecting my sleep;
-frequent feeling of having to urinate.
The drug did barely anything for my pain and I had to up my dose within two days. That was when the side effects started. Again, not worth it. Please stay away. Pharmacists and doctors will insist that the drug is safe but it isn't. I've also personally talked to three people who have had seizures as a result of this drug. Ibuprofen will do as much for pain as Tramadol (also known as Ultram) will
7 Replies
Re: Verwon (# 1)
There are about 40 side effects. I am allergic to opiates so after knee replacement I was given Tramadol. I was taking it every 2-4 hours around the clock for weeks and less as I got better. I started having to pee14 times a day and then got utis and bladder pain. Didn't realize the medicine was causing it. In addition I was not sleeping, having jerking in my surgery leg during the night, loss of spirited, and cried often. I did some research after 10 weeks and found all my symptoms were from Tramadol. After 3 days off and some withdrawals, I slept, my bladder pain and urgency to pee gone. I dreamt for the first time in weeks and slept all night.
Hi all~ I would have to agree with everyone. My 28 year old son was put on tramadol one month into it my child had a seizure and I had to see it. It was awful absolutely awful. I wouldn't recommend Tramadol / Ultram to my dog. It's a very dangerous drug. They have been talking about taking it off the market I think they should. Very very dangerous. I hope I never see anyone that I love have another seizure in my life. Just devastating. He no longer takes Ultram /Tramadol after that seizure. Thank God. He didn't have any bad side effects after he just didn't remember anything. God is good and my son is great. Just thank God. Stay away from Tramadol /Ultram. Dangerous dangerous drug. I wish everyone great help. Be safe if you are on this drug.
Haha you're not a drug rep are you? Sounds like you maybe have no experience of the serious sods effects with this drug
As. An RN I know serious Tramadol side effects are NOT RARE!!
There was an adverse reporting line set up years ago yet it is still big business. Like cigarettes to the Government I guess haha. I took it only occasionally years ago for back injury. Then some time after I had a dr come to house call for pain gave me Tramadol... I took one tablet went back to bed felt sick suddenly .. Remember getting up to go to the bathroom last thing I remembered before finding myself way down the corridor into sons room lying on floor next to his bed ... Pulling at his sheets feeling drugged to gete up walk me round etc.. Wrote Tramadol on paper quickly told him to call Ambulance ... Single mum home with three young kids under 8 yrs night . I could have died.
Very common to have sudden serious side effects..
I was given tramadol in the hospital, both before and after leg surgery. When I complained of the burning and itching of a very red rash all over my body, getting worse each day, staff nurses said it was just a heat rash. By the time I got discharged, the rash was painful and wide spread. I've been off tramadol for two days, but the rash keeps spreading. It is so bad under the dressing, they cannot install a wound vac. Bad drug...
has anyone else recently developed problems with frequent urination?
Hello, Noxx! How are you? I am very sorry that this happened to you.
However, such an allergic reaction is very rare and most people will not experience such.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
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