Topiramate Drug Test And False Positive (Top voted first)


I took a Topiramate 50mg for a migraine and i have a drug test for probation on friday. Will it show up? I dont use any other drugs.

23 Replies (2 Pages)

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Ok my Dr gave me topiramate 25 mg for my migraines. I had to do a drug screen for drug court today. Will it come back positive.I'm so nervous.

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I take 50mg topamax 2x daily for migraines and I did a drug test today for employment and it showed I tested positive for cocaine. They had to send it off if.... Haha I do not do drugs. I'm in the nursing field and it is well known for showing false positives!!!

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Can this seizure med cause a possitive for methamphetmine? I Take 50mg morning & night, and allergy meds. Is there a test for meth or is it just amphetamine cause the lady said I was positive for methamphetimine. Is this possible when I have never have even tried the drug?

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I take Topamax too. After testing positive for a synethnic form of THC and I know I am clean. I starting researching about Topamax. I found that Topamax can in cact make you test positive. I even took a at home THC test and it came back positive a month and a half after failing the test mentioned above. Link one read section about the class Topamax being a Phentermine. Link two read the very last question about prescription drugs and Phentermine's making you fail test positive on drug test. My advice take your pill bottle(s) with you to the drug testing. Feel free to read the entire articles.

Topamax and Phentermine:

Prescription Drugs and Testing Positive:

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Ok I googled the ingredients in topiramate don't have phetermine in it.

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I was gave a 25mg topiramate for a migraine will it show up on a swab drug test I do not do any drugs at all

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my husband had a hair follicle for drug testing my husband was taking topamax 50mg he quite taking it didnt like the side effects. He got the results back and he tested postive for oxycodine and he doesnt take drugs at all since he is a truck driver. would topamax give him a false reading for oxycodine

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Let them know you take Topiramate and it Phentermine in it which may come up positive for THC. Take your prescription bottle. And list it on your form of drugs taken.

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I would suggest going to the dollar store and buying a marijuana drug test ("THC" test) and see if it comes back positive. If not you're good.

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I take 400mg everyday. Its not gonna clear out of my system. 200mg as soon as I wake up. And another 200mg. 12 hours later.

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I would buy one of those dollar drug tests from Dollar Tree or the dollar store. OR if you were prescribed the drug take the bottle with you.

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Take your prescription bottle and liat ypu take the medicine. And it may show positive. I did a swab it didnt show and Im on 200mg twice a day. But it not the same for everyone.

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I don't do any drugs. An I'm so nervous bc I took this an forgot to check in with my counselor.

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I'm on probation and have to take drug screens every 3 months. I take buspirone, Ibuprofen and topiramate. I took an at home test because I heard of failing for a false thc because of the topiramate. Sure enough I did. Is this legit? I'm so scared I'll be in trouble once I get tested this month. I just started this regimen about 2 months ago.

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I tested positive for methamphetamine in the ER, but never did it. I also never had a positive drug test till I took Topiramate. How is this possible?

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It never showed up on mine. I wanted to gove 1 to my husband he’s a CDL driver. They prescribed them for my headaches. After reading everyone’s comments I can’t afford to make him lose his job.

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Re: Candysweet (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I am going threw the same thing with dfcs. How do you prove it was the medicine that made you fail??

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Re: IFailedToo (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Can Topiramate make you test positive for cocaine? It did with me.

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I take both bupropion and topriate, can thus cause a fase positive for methamphetamine?

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Can Topiramate cause a false positive for methamphetamine and thc? I've been taking it for my migraines for around two weeks and I think I failed my U.A. lab at my suboxone treatment center, but i have not taken any thing of the sort!!

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