Topamax And Eye Twitching
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Hi, I have been using Topamax for depression for 12 months and must admit that it has been very sucessful. The one major draw back is that I have developed a very annoying eye twitch. It only affects one eye, but is very noticeable. I was taking 100 mg twice a day, but have decreased it to 100 mg daily. The twitch has decreased somewhat, and I realize that I now have to come off this drug completely to get rid of the twitch entirely.
Has anyone else experienced this problem. I read 1 other reader, but are there more?
Re: Nicole (# 11)
If you are already having twitching and you are just starting the meds, you definitely need to tell the doctor because once you increase to the full dosage, the twitches will increase and the longer you are on the med, you will notice a further increase of the twitches as the medication becomes more integrated into your system.
Topomax and eye twitching: Try getting off the 50mg pills. I found in other blogs there may be an issue with the coating on those pills with the manufacturer. I had been on 100mg Topiramate for years with no twitching. Was put on 50mg pills twice a day by a new doctor and starting eye twitching. Found the blogs regarding the coating and requested the 100mg tablets again. The twitching resolved after a few weeks with no reoccurrence. Hope that helps.
Re: almostcured (# 1)
I had the exact same thing happen to me and I was going crazy with it!! I still get it and when I do it can last for weeks at a time! My neurologist didn’t have an answer for me and I can’t make it stop. I’m afraid to stop my medication for fear of my migraines coming back full force so what do I do? Live with it I guess! This sucks!!
Re: Angielina (# 110)
I have been on Topamax for years well the generic version. I take 150 mg daily for migraines. Mixed with Topamax is Verapamil 180 mg for migraines. I have not had a migraine in years and I do not have any eye twitching from Topamax.
I use Topamax for chronic migraines. So far with wonderful results other than my upper left eye twitches quite often though out the day and it has caused damage to my nerves in my eyes. I went to a specialist who said “everything looks good I see slight damage for your headaches as long as you aren’t taking Topamax you will be great.” Problem is I do take Topamax which he said might have caused the eye damage I take 25mg twice a day and still have these side effects
I have been on Topamax for about 2 years and have experienced several side effects. They seem to come one at a time, last for a few weeks or months, then I get the next one. Whenever something odd starts happening, I look it up to see if it is a reported side effect. Currently I have twitching under my left eye. It has been going on for a few days. I do not have the constant nagging headache that I used to live with daily and although I do still have some headaches, it is nothing like what I dealt with before the Topamax. As much as I do not like the crazy and random side effects, I really like not having the constant pain.
Yes, I have eye twitching on 100mg in one eye. When I went off it went away but I went back on and now almost have to go off again.
Re: Sophia (# 106)
Not if it is constantly twitching..that could be a very bad side effect.
Re: Savannah (# 105)
I am on 12.5mg only.
Could it be I need more days to adapt to it?
Re: Sophia (# 104)
If it is twitching non-stop, I would tell your Doctor. She/he may have you on too high of dose.
Hi, I just started Topamax on Tue nite, by next morning, my eyelid started twitching nonstop. Should I stop taking it n inform Dr immediately or shd I take it for 1 whole week as per Dr advice?
Re: Venuschild1968 (# 102)
Let me know if it works. I would like to know if it is working for others.
Re: Lauri (# 20)
Alrighty I'm trying this! I'm a nature nut and the topomax is working but twitching is driving me nuts, noticed my hair and nails need a boost anyway, thanks for the suggestion
Re: Donna (# 100)
Let me know if you try the Tonic water and if it works for you. A few weeks ago, I noticed twitching right when I woke up, above my lips and inside my cheeks. It did go away, but I did not like that. If it happens again, going off the med.
Yes it happens in one eye, then the other eye, and sometimes my chin.
Re: Donna (# 98)
Hi, Tonic water has Quinine in it, which has a natural calming effect on muscles. You take 1 ounce daily. About 7 days, you will notice a decrease in eye twitching, if not completely stopped.
Re: Savannah (# 97)
Some "behavior health" medications can cause something called tarditive dysconsia. U controlled muscle movements. I just went back on brand name topamax in hopes I won't have the eye twitch. Before on generic was horrible. Yes, topamax will decrease your appetite for junk and soda. I initially dropped 35lbs when I started the generic 2.5yrs ago. Tell me where I find this tonic and how much you take?
Re: Donna (# 96)
I'm really confused, because I talked to the pharmacist - I am also on Wellbutrin XL 300. Wellbutrin does have "stimulant" effects. He said he hears about alot of muscle spasms with people more so on Wellbutrin than Topamax. Since being on both meds. I was at 208 pounds. Now I am down to 171. Both are known to decrease your appetite. Sorry for TMI, but I also suffer from digestion issues (constipation) so, I have included alot more fiber in my diet and cut out cookies, soda, sweets. For some reason, Topamax reduces my cravings for junk food and sugar. My eye twitching is just about gone. If it does come its usually very brief and I drink a little tonic and the twitching stops. Have no idea why tonic helps. Saw someone had suggested it on here.
Re: Savannah (# 95)
I'm unsure of the potassium, as I'm pretty sure the culprit was the topiramate for me. As my twitching stopped one I was completely off of it. I was on the topiramate for over 2.5yrs. I was taking it for migraines. I was placed on propranolol about 1 mos ago. Well, good news is the twitching stopped??. Migraines about the same. I've gained about 6-8lbs over past 2 weeks!!! I have not changed diet intake or exercise.... this will not work. I've looked at other reviews on brand name topamax to see if people were having the twitching with it. Yes they are but I read if you go slower to the profession to your prescribed dose... basically taper up slowly. People were not gave this side effect as bad. Read that it could be an intolerance to the coating or binders in the chemical makeup. So I don't believe the vitamin supplements are gonna help...
Re: Donna (# 94)
I think the longer I'm on it, the less the twitching. Just have the twitching once in a while, usually when I'm anxious or stressed. Hate to go off the Med, it's really regulated my emotions. Hopefully, it will go away with the Potassium supplements..
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